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Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
beam_bg_sim_20210616_early-phase3_belle2-beast2_farbeamline_improved 2072
Early Phase3 Belle II + Beast II within the IR+FarBeamline (|s|<26m). Geometry payloads for the beam-induced background simulation. It requires some modifications of the Belle II sub-system settings (study). For now, the Beast II system is not present in DB so its geometry is built from the XML file. Tested with the master_2021-06-28 branch. + Modified shielding around Belle II: Floor level of the tunnel fixed (-1950mm -> -1520mm); More realistic accelerator tunnel geometry, though still with some unknowns; Magnets' supports; Cryostat floats supports; Beam pipes extended a little.
TESTING DEV 10/13/2021 5:55 p.m. anatochi 19 19