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Detail for GlobalTag "leptonid_postICHEP2022_Official_rel5_v3" (ID: 2676)

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
leptonid_postICHEP2022_Official_rel5_v3 2676
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 189 /fb 2022 DS - Legacy GT w/ release 5 recommendations for LID - CHANGES WRT. v2b: new trigger selection in eell channel; fixed threshold for UniformEffXX for low p electrons; stat+syst errors now always sum in quadrature; improved stability of likelihood minimisation in combination; FixedThreshXX available for both LH and BDT; added FixedThresh099 tight w.p.
PUBLISHED DEV 09/14/2022 7:01 a.m. 12/22/2022 11:52 p.m. mmilesi 180 180

Payloads associated with the Global Tag "leptonid_postICHEP2022_Official_rel5_v3" (ID 2676)