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GlobalTag: 132 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
tracking_TEST_SVDTimeSelectionONrev5_VXDTF2TimeFiltersOFFrev28 2805
svd time in tracking: selection on cluster time (default in rel-07) in the SVDSpacePointCreator, NO VXDTF2 SectorMaps time filters
TESTING DEV 12/13/2022 9:45 a.m. casarosa 2 2
svd_cluster_calibration 450
SVD clustering simulation & reconstruction parameters
OPEN DEV 11/13/2018 2:32 p.m. casarosa 4 2
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus40ns 1170
GT to study the impact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -40ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:28 a.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_simulationSVDGeometryParForClusterPosResol 746
SVDGeometryPar versions containing different noise and other simulation parameters for the cluster residual data-MC study. exp=1003, different runs corresponds to different values, find the correspondence in
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 5:49 p.m. casarosa 8 4
charm_misalignment_v0_1 1180
misaligned VXD only, localdb = /group/belle2/users/bilka/realistic_misalignments/2020a_v1/forMCwithNominalIP/localdb/database.txt
TESTING DEV 06/20/2020 10:06 a.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_offlineCalibrations_20190307 551
contains the payloads for the svd reconstruction
OPEN DEV 03/07/2019 3:04 p.m. casarosa 3 3
svd_SVDCoGCalibration_latency_plus4716 666
CoG calibration on MC with: 1. updated APV latency = +47.16; 2. pol3 TB independent calibration function
OPEN DEV 07/30/2019 2:13 p.m. casarosa 1 1
IP_MC13a_proc11 1070
BeamParameters and BeamSpot for MC13a_proc11
OPEN DEV 05/18/2020 3:08 p.m. casarosa 4 2
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus55ns 1167
GT to study the imact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -55ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:13 a.m. casarosa 1 1
IP_MC13b_proc11 1071
BeamParameters and BeamSpot for MC13b_proc11
OPEN DEV 05/18/2020 3:08 p.m. casarosa 8 4
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus30ns 1172
GT to study the impact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -30ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:29 a.m. casarosa 1 1
staging_master_casarosa_20190910-160905 699
updated class + content of the payload now is obtained with a calibration performed on simulated events instead ofmanually set to the generation parameters
OPEN DEV 09/10/2019 4:11 p.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_3mixed6DAQtest 1315
payloads for the 3-mixed-6 sample runs in exp 13
TESTING DEV 09/24/2020 3:03 p.m. casarosa 6 6
svd_test_svdRecoConfiguration 1274
Gt to test the new payload configuring SVD reconstruction
TESTING DEV 01/22/2021 2:37 p.m. casarosa 5 2
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus25ns 1173
GT to study the impact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -25ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:30 a.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus20ns 1174
GT to study the impact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -20ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:30 a.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_updateCalibrations_release05 1007
updated payloads for svd reconstruction for release/05
TESTING DEV 04/28/2020 5:09 p.m. casarosa 5 3
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus15ns 1175
GT to study the impact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -15ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:30 a.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus10ns 1176
GT to study the impact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -10ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:30 a.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus60ns 1166
GT to study the imact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -60ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:10 a.m. casarosa 1 1
staging_master_casarosa_20190926-165328 720
bug-fix: classDef increased
OPEN DEV 09/26/2019 4:55 p.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_cutOnAbsoluteTime_minus45ns 1169
GT to study the imact of SVD Hit Time on Reconstruction. Cut = cluster time > -45ns
TESTING DEV 06/18/2020 8:28 a.m. casarosa 1 1
staging_master_casarosa_20191111-143711 776
updated value of SVD noise in the simulation
OPEN DEV 11/11/2019 2:37 p.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_newCoGCorrections 437
contains the SVD payload that provides corrections to the hit time, evaluated on Y(4S) MC events. L3 has corrected ladder numbering, the svd geometry payload with fixed numbering is also contained in this tag
OPEN DEV 10/05/2018 1:54 p.m. casarosa 5 5
svd_testNoiseInADC 1563
different noise in ADC for simulation and reconstruction
TESTING DEV 03/08/2021 6:57 p.m. casarosa 1 1