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GlobalTag: 73 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
photonMVA 1414
MVA Training for B0 to 2pi0 to distinguish true and false photons
TESTING DEV 06/02/2021 4:19 a.m. fpham 1 1
Second GT used for Airflow testing
OPEN DEV 03/23/2021 12:23 p.m. fpham 0 0
Second GT used for Airflow testing
OPEN DEV 03/23/2021 12:25 p.m. fpham 0 0
First GT used for Airflow testing
OPEN DEV 03/23/2021 12:25 p.m. fpham 0 0
Second GT used for Airflow testing
TESTING DEV 03/25/2021 2:45 a.m. fpham 0 0
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210730_correctedForOverlaps 1937
Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT
OPEN DEV 07/30/2021 4:04 p.m. fpham 1851 56
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210420 1642
Used as a test staging GT so we don't interfere with the actual production one.
VALIDATED DEV 05/04/2021 9:18 a.m. fpham 1422 58
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210719 1918
Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT
OPEN DEV 07/19/2021 12:26 p.m. fpham 1968 45
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210512 1681
Used as a test staging GT so we don't interfere with the actual production one.
VALIDATED DEV 05/12/2021 8:42 p.m. fpham 1358 44
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210823 1959
Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT
OPEN DEV 08/23/2021 7:36 a.m. fpham 1704 46
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210528_finalMerge 1719
Used as a test staging GT so we don't interfere with the actual production one.
OPEN DEV 05/28/2021 8:01 a.m. fpham 1334 67
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshot20210528 1718
Used as a test staging GT so we don't interfere with the actual production one.
OPEN DEV 05/28/2021 6:40 a.m. fpham 1332 65
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_prompt_bucket19correctedGT 1716
Used as a test staging GT so we don't interfere with the actual production one.
TESTING DEV 05/28/2021 7 a.m. fpham 1288 64
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_sproc2 1962
Final staging payload for s-proc2
TESTING DEV 09/16/2021 10:08 a.m. fpham 1766 49
AIRFLOW_data_staging_localcalib_sproc2 1960
Staging payload for s-proc2 local calibration
TESTING DEV 08/31/2021 4:45 p.m. fpham 7 7
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_sproc2 1961
Staging payload for s-proc2 data calibration
TESTING DEV 09/16/2021 2:03 a.m. fpham 2186 53
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_sproc2_snapshotAt20210916 2007
Final staging payload for s-proc2
OPEN DEV 09/16/2021 10:44 a.m. fpham 1766 49
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210611 1759
Used as a test staging GT so we don't interfere with the actual production one.
OPEN DEV 06/11/2021 8:30 a.m. fpham 1792 53
GT used for testing the final merging of the Active payloads
TESTING DEV 06/14/2021 6:23 a.m. fpham 259 6
AIRFLOW_ARICH_test_tag 1773
Created to testing resolved Airflow update
OPEN DEV 06/13/2021 11:43 a.m. fpham 94 1
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20210624 1851
Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT
OPEN DEV 06/24/2021 12:34 p.m. fpham 841 52
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_bucket16b 1783
Final merging staging GT for bucket16b calibrations
TESTING DEV 06/17/2021 8:05 a.m. fpham 1085 52
pretracking_sproc2_calibration 2034
Contains the pre-tracking payloads from sproc2
TESTING DEV 09/30/2021 8:15 a.m. fpham 742 31
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_bucket16b_snapshotAt20210617 1792
Final merging staging GT for bucket16b calibrations
OPEN DEV 06/17/2021 9:10 a.m. fpham 1085 52
fpham_photonMVA 1394
MVA Training for B0 to 2pi0 to distinguish true and false photons
OPEN DEV 11/07/2020 6:41 p.m. fpham 1 1