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GlobalTag: 28 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
triggerskim_exp7to12_patch 2681
tag to add missing software trigger skim payloads to exp7-12. Intended for MC15rd and proc13 but can likely be used for later processings too. Based on the hlt_filters_exp24 GT.
TESTING DEV 09/20/2022 8:26 a.m. hohmann 40 40
ECLChargedPIDMVA_EP3_xgb_20_nom_withCNN_v5 2980
Nominal XGB payload optimised for 20mb. Uses v4 of the CNN in the barrel for p < 1 GeV. With dropout layers for CNN for p < 0.6. BDT and CNN trained with EP3 backgrounds.
TESTING DEV 06/21/2023 10:22 a.m. hohmann 1 1
ECLChargedPIDMVA_xgb_20_withoutE_withCNN 2845
Weights for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module using xgboost with parameters tuned such that the weightfile is approximately 20mb. Removed per crystal energy. Added CNN in barrel.
TESTING DEV 01/10/2023 5:04 p.m. hohmann 3 1