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GlobalTag: 14 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
data_reprocessing_s-proc4_broken 2917
Baseline globaltag for the s-proc4 campaign to recalibrate bucket36 with prerelease-07-00-00c. Includes in order of priority patch_main_release-07_noTOP data_reprocessing_prompt.
OPEN RELEASE 03/22/2023 1:53 p.m. mapr 2881 284
staging_master_mapr_20191115-075937 787
Enables the single tag pi0 trigger line (BII-5483).
OPEN DEV 11/15/2019 7:59 a.m. mapr 3 3
staging_master_mapr_20191114-055947 785
Set the prescales of the HLT software trigger to the agreed ones (BII-5481).
OPEN DEV 11/14/2019 6 a.m. mapr 8 8
staging_master_mapr_20191119-055844 797
Enables an improved cluster only trigger line (BII-5478).
OPEN DEV 11/19/2019 5:58 a.m. mapr 3 3
staging_master_mapr_20191112-055356 777
Enable the newly implemented single photon trigger line (BII-5479).
OPEN DEV 11/12/2019 5:54 a.m. mapr 4 4
staging_master_mapr_20191129-061654 808
The previous updates of the software trigger were created standalone. The software_trigger_cut&filter does not include the information in an incremental way. In the latest revision only the changes of the latest request are included. This request fixes this.
OPEN DEV 11/29/2019 6:17 a.m. mapr 5 5
clone_staging_online_test_20200408 960
all update payloads for online should be upload to this GT
OPEN DEV 04/08/2020 4:16 p.m. mapr 23 23
staging_online_umberto_do_not_harm 965
all update payloads for online should be upload to this GT
OPEN DEV 04/09/2020 6:03 a.m. mapr 27 25
data_reprocessing_s-proc4_broken2 2919
Final staging tag to collect and test all calibrations in sproc4.
OPEN DEV 03/22/2023 4:10 p.m. mapr 3048 66
staging_master_mapr_20191115-075115 786
Enables the cosmic trigger line (BII-5480).
OPEN DEV 11/15/2019 7:51 a.m. mapr 2 2
temp_depietro_staging_online 2390
all update payloads for online should be upload to this GT
OPEN DEV 03/28/2022 12:44 p.m. mapr 361 361
data_reprocessing_s-proc4_baseline_snapshot20230321 2915
Baseline globaltag for the s-proc4 campaign to recalibrate bucket36 with prerelease-07-00-00c. Includes in order of priority patch_main_release-07_noTOP data_reprocessing_prompt.
OPEN RELEASE 03/21/2023 10:23 a.m. mapr 2881 284
data_reprocessing_s-proc4 2920
Global tag including calibration payloads from s-proc4 and and baseline payloads.
VALIDATED DEV 03/23/2023 10:21 a.m. mapr 3224 294
data_reprocessing_s-proc4_baseline 2766
Baseline globaltag for the s-proc4 campaign to recalibrate bucket36 with prerelease-07-00-00c. Includes in order of priority patch_main_release-07_noTOP data_reprocessing_prompt.
VALIDATED RELEASE 03/21/2023 11:15 a.m. mapr 2881 284