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GlobalTag: 72 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
test_chargedpidmva_Jun2021_ChargeDep_rel5_v0__NO_TOP 1755
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release-05, Q-dep training - no deuteron for p < 0.6, no TOP inputs
OPEN DEV 10/13/2022 5:15 a.m. mmilesi 3 2
test_chargedpidmva_Jun2021_ChargeDep_rel5_v1 1758
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release-05, Q-dep training
OPEN DEV 10/13/2022 5:15 a.m. mmilesi 3 2
leptonid_EPS2021_Official_rel5_v3 1950
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95), likelihood LID only. Fixes some issues w/ combination when a bin has syst unc = 0, and adds the distance syst for kspipi_VS_taupair combination that was unintentionally left out.
TESTING DEV 08/10/2021 4:58 a.m. mmilesi 30 30
chargedpidmva_57718141_May2022_ChargeDep 2426
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - For Marcel
OPEN DEV 01/12/2023 3:48 a.m. mmilesi 8 8
staging_analysis_mmilesi_20210618-072504 1796
New BDT q-dependent training in release 5
TESTING DEV 06/18/2021 7:35 p.m. mmilesi 4 4
chargedpidmva_Jun2021_ChargeDep_rel5 1795
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 5 training, q-dependent, payloads w/ and w/o PSD info
VALIDATED DEV 10/13/2022 5:23 a.m. mmilesi 12 8
__EXP__chargedpidmva_rel6_v6 3009
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent. EXPERIMENTAL. (Changes on top of v5:) include protons and deuterons in the multiclass training (except low p); changed the polar angle boundaries to match with the actual ECL acceptance; polar angle variable name stored in the payload ALWAYS as eclHelixExtTheta (not clusterTheta)
TESTING DEV 07/18/2023 1:35 a.m. mmilesi 8 8
hadronid_Fall2021_Official_v0 2135
Hadron ID Data/MC corrections - Fall 2021 (proc12+prompt, MC14ri_a) - v0
TESTING DEV 11/23/2021 12:55 a.m. mmilesi 48 48
leptonid_postICHEP2022_Unofficial_rel5_v2c 2655
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 189 /fb 2022 DS - WARNING: unofficial GT, still experimentalll - CHANGES WRT. v2b: new trigger selection in eell channel; fixed threshold for UniformEffXX for low p electrons; stat+syst errors now always sum in quadrature.
OPEN DEV 12/22/2022 11:53 p.m. mmilesi 24 24
leptonid_Moriond2023_Official_rel6_v0 2819
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 364 /fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS - CAVEATS: 1. Only FixedThresholdXX working points available; 2. Only K->e fake rate corrections for BDT available.
TESTING DEV 12/23/2022 midnight mmilesi 68 68
leptonid_EPS2021_TEST_rel5_v6 2192
TESTING! Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90%, both likelihood and BDT LID). No BDT yet for D*
TESTING DEV 12/21/2021 5:10 a.m. mmilesi 116 116
leptonid_EPS2021_TEST_rel5_v7 2201
TESTING! Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90%, both likelihood and BDT LID). Kaon fake rates only available for fixed threshold w.p.s and uniform efficiency 90%, 95%
TESTING DEV 12/22/2021 4:22 a.m. mmilesi 120 120
leptonid_postICHEP2022_Official_rel5_v3 2676
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 189 /fb 2022 DS - Legacy GT w/ release 5 recommendations for LID - CHANGES WRT. v2b: new trigger selection in eell channel; fixed threshold for UniformEffXX for low p electrons; stat+syst errors now always sum in quadrature; improved stability of likelihood minimisation in combination; FixedThreshXX available for both LH and BDT; added FixedThresh099 tight w.p.
PUBLISHED DEV 12/22/2022 11:52 p.m. mmilesi 180 180
leptonid_EPS2021_Official_rel5_v4 1957
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95), likelihood LID only. Now outlier channels are not taken into account when assigning the 'distance to avg' systematic. Also now includes D* channels for pion fake rates.
PUBLISHED DEV 01/11/2022 10:44 p.m. mmilesi 30 30
leptonid_EPS2021_Official_rel4_v8 1951
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - rel4 - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95), likelihood LID only. Fixes some issues w/ combination when a bin has syst unc = 0.
PUBLISHED DEV 01/11/2022 10:45 p.m. mmilesi 30 30
leptonid_Moriond2023_Official_rel6_v0a 2868
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 364 /fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS - CAVEATS: 1. Only FixedThresholdXX working points available; 2. no isolation binning.
TESTING DEV 03/21/2023 1:57 a.m. mmilesi 80 80
TMP_leptonid_Moriond2023_Official_rel6_v0b_FIXED 2933
UPDATES SINCE v0b: do not implicitly require the existence of the isolation score variable to get the correct index in the lookup table.
TESTING DEV 04/12/2023 6:55 a.m. mmilesi 80 80
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v2 2345
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 190 /fb Moriond 2022 DS - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90, 95%, both likelihood and BDT LID).
TESTING DEV 02/24/2022 12:54 a.m. mmilesi 130 130
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v2__EFF_jpsill_FR_combination 2346
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 190 /fb Moriond 2022 DS - Efficiency corrections based on **J/psi->ll** channel only - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90, 95%, both likelihood and BDT LID).
TESTING DEV 02/24/2022 1:45 a.m. mmilesi 130 130
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v1 2226
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on 127 1/fb (~66%) of the Moriond 2022 DS - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90%, both likelihood and BDT LID).
TESTING DEV 02/24/2022 12:45 a.m. mmilesi 156 156
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v1a 2313
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on 127 1/fb (~66%) of the Moriond 2022 DS - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90, 95%, both likelihood and BDT LID). Only difference wrt/ v1 is a new naming scheme for likelihood-based PID variables, to show explictly which subdetectors are excluded (if any).
VALIDATED DEV 02/24/2022 12:46 a.m. mmilesi 130 130
leptonid_test_v0a_iso 2870
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 364 /fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS - TESTING ISO-BASED CORRECTIONS
TESTING DEV 01/30/2023 4:03 a.m. mmilesi 10 10
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v2a__TMP 2370
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 190 /fb Moriond 2022 DS - BUGFIXES: 1. fixed wrong PID thresholds at p < 1GeV/c for UniformEffXX w.p.s. 2. Recovered missing corrections in some bins for K->lep fake rate corrections for UniformEffXX w.p.s. 3. Down uncertainties on data/MC now capped to make sure no negative weights are obtained. - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90, 95%, both likelihood and BDT LID). 3.
OPEN DEV 03/08/2022 11:09 a.m. mmilesi 222 130
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v2a 2356
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 190 /fb Moriond 2022 DS - CHANGES WRT. v2: 1. Fixed wrong PID thresholds at p < 1GeV/c for UniformEffXX w.p.s. 2. Recovered missing corrections in some bins for K->lep fake rate corrections for UniformEffXX w.p.s. 3. Down uncertainties on data/MC now capped to make sure no negative weights are obtained. 4. Fixed bug in the calculation of the dystance systematic that would cause overestimated uncertainty in some bins.
TESTING DEV 03/10/2022 5:27 a.m. mmilesi 247 130
chargedpidmva_ad640ac8_Mar2022_ChargeDep 2389
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - For Marcel
OPEN DEV 01/12/2023 3:49 a.m. mmilesi 2 2