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GlobalTag: 72 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v2b 2412
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 190 /fb Moriond 2022 DS - CHANGES WRT. v2a: binary muon ID now correctly excludes SVD
TESTING DEV 04/25/2022 9:25 a.m. mmilesi 130 130
temp_analysis_mmilesi_20230224-014505 2908
Introduce detector global PID weights for track isolation, derived in release 6
OPEN DEV 02/24/2023 1:45 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
leptonid_Moriond2023_Official_rel6_v0b 2913
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 364 /fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS - UPDATES SINCE v0a: 1. fixed bug of swapped charge sign in eegamma channel; 2. in eell channel, now using K->l fake rates from dtsardkpipi channel. - CAVEATS: 1. Only FixedThresholdXX working points available; 2. no isolation binning.
TESTING DEV 04/12/2023 10:39 a.m. mmilesi 176 80
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6_NewMaskNaNs 2631
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables.
OPEN DEV 10/09/2022 11:11 p.m. mmilesi 8 4
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6_NewMaskNaNs_missingLogL 2635
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables. Added mssingLogL_D for each detector in the (multiclass) training.
OPEN DEV 10/13/2022 5:12 a.m. mmilesi 4 4
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6 2616
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD
OPEN DEV 10/09/2022 11:11 p.m. mmilesi 4 4
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6_NewMaskNaNs_missingLogL_QuaternaryPID 2638
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables. Added mssingLogL_D for each detector in the (multiclass) training. Use quaternary PID (e,mu,pi,K) as per-detector input variables for multiclass training.
OPEN DEV 10/09/2022 11:12 p.m. mmilesi 4 4
chargedpidmva_Aug2022_ChargeDep_rel6_TEST 2656
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD - TESTING GT
OPEN DEV 10/09/2022 11:11 p.m. mmilesi 2 2
binary_pid_det_weights_for_trackiso_release_6 2692
Detector weights for binary PID, used to weight the track isolation score. Release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/05/2022 11:46 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
__TEST__chargedpidmva_rel6 2709
Testing GT - Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training.
OPEN DEV 01/12/2023 3:48 a.m. mmilesi 6 2
test_chargedpidmva_Dec2019_v0 816
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads for testing. Both for binary/multiclass lepton ID
OPEN DEV 10/13/2022 5:14 a.m. mmilesi 11 8
pid_global_det_weights_release_6 2699
Weights (indiviudual & ablated) to quantify impact of each detector on the global PID (e/all, mu/all, pi/all, K/all, p/all, d/all). From particle gun samples - release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 5:44 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
pid_binary_det_weights_release_6 2700
Weights (indiviudual & ablated) to quantify impact of each detector on the binary PID (e/pi, mu/pi, pi/K, K/pi, p/pi, d/pi). From particle gun samples - release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 5:44 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
chargedpidmva_rel5_v1_EXPERIMENTAL 2705
EXPERIMENTAL GT, DO NOT USE FOR ANALYSIS! This is a release 5 training w/ the same setup as in GT chargedpidmva_rel6_v1: Please refer to its documentation for details.
OPEN DEV 01/10/2023 3:07 a.m. mmilesi 16 8
test_chargedpidmva_Jun2021_ChargeDep_rel5_v0 1754
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release-05, Q-dep training - no deuteron for p < 0.6
OPEN DEV 10/13/2022 5:15 a.m. mmilesi 3 2
test_chargedpidmva_Oct2019_v0 728
To include charged PID MVA payload for testing
OPEN DEV 10/13/2022 5:15 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
chargedpidmva_rel6_v0 2698
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables. Added mssingLogL_D for each detector in the (multiclass) training.
OPEN DEV 01/12/2023 3:46 a.m. mmilesi 4 4
chargedpidmva_rel5_v0 2704
CLONE OF chargedpidmva_Jun2021_ChargeDep_rel5 - Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 5 training, q-dependent, payloads w/ and w/o PSD info
PUBLISHED DEV 10/13/2022 5:23 a.m. mmilesi 12 8
chargedpidmva_rel6_v4 2724
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent. (Changes on top of v3:) use helixExtTheta at the ECL entry surface instead of theta for cases of no ELC cluster match; fix a bug that would prevent dLL variables from being NaN-masked.
OPEN DEV 01/12/2023 3:51 a.m. mmilesi 24 8
chargedpidmva_rel6_v2 2721
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent. (Changes on top of v1:) remove all category cuts that imply track-cluster matching; use theta instead of clusterTheta in category definitions; add missingLogL_ECL as input.
OPEN DEV 11/02/2022 6:04 a.m. mmilesi 8 8
chargedpidmva_rel6_v3 2723
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent. (Changes on top of v2:) use conditionalVariableSelector to define categories, so that track theta is used only if no cluster track match.
OPEN DEV 11/02/2022 6:04 a.m. mmilesi 8 8
chargedpidmva_rel6_v1 2703
Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent. (Changes on top of v0:) payloads for all the four training modes (binary and multiclass): all detectors, all detectors + PSD MVA, ECL only, ECL only + PSD MVA; removed clusterE > 0.05 cut in all categories definition; added a mid-high momentum bin category: [0.2, 0.6], [0.6, 1], [1, 3], [3, inf] GeV/c.
OPEN DEV 01/12/2023 3:46 a.m. mmilesi 16 8