Questions? Write to T1 CDB team

GlobalTag: 154 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
test_renaming_tag 97
with a nice description
OPEN DEV 02/09/2017 4:46 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
testHapd 93
test global tag for Hapd info
INVALID DEV 12/18/2015 2:26 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;-- 92
Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:20 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
smileyface_global_tag 91
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 10:11 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
kingqueenrookbishopknightpawn 90
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7:30 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
b2pnnlss_mattb_test4 87
The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (高エネルギー加速器研究機構 Kō Enerugī Kasokuki Kenkyū Kikō?), known as KEK.
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7:02 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
b2pnnlss_mattb_test3 86
A test global tag created during the Belle II Summer School, held at the Pacific North West National Laboratory (PNNL) from the 10th of August 2015 until the 15th of August 2015, during the database tutorial session held on the morning of the 11th of August 2015. Is there a limit to the length of the description that can be given to a global tag? A certain maximum number of characters perhaps? One hundred, two hundred, a thousand, there surely must be some limit? When will it be reached? One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty two, Twenty three, Twenty four, Twenty five, Twenty six, Twenty seven, Twenty eight, Twenty nine, Thirty, Thirty one, Thirty two, Thirty three, Thirty four, Thirty five, Thirty six, Thirty seven, Thirty eight, Thirty nine, Forty, Forty one, Forty two, Forty three, Forty four, Forty five, Forty six, Forty seven, Forty eight, Forty nine, Fifty, Fifty one, Fifty two, Fifty three, Fifty four, Fifty five, Fifty six, Fifty seven, Fifty eight, Fifty nine, Sixty, Sixty one, Sixty two, Sixty three, Sixty four, Sixty five, Sixty six, Sixty seven, Sixty eight, Sixty nine, Seventy, Seventy one, Seventy two, Seventy three, Seventy four, Seventy five, Seventy six, Seventy seven, Seventy eight, Seventy nine, Eighty, Eighty one, Eighty two, Eighty three, Eighty four, Eighty five, Eighty six, Eighty seven, Eighty eight, Eighty nine, Ninety, Ninety one, Ninety two, Ninety three, Ninety four, Ninety five, Ninety six, Ninety seven, Ninety eight, Ninety nine, One hundred. Has this hit the limit? 04W24W0W04100000W40000110W020000401000W000000000101000011W0011200010040040000W1W30000000000000400000000000001004W.
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7:02 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
b2pnnlss_mattb_test2 85
A test global tag created during the Belle II Summer School, held at the Pacific North West National Laboratory (PNNL) from the 10th of August 2015 until the 15th of August 2015, during the database tutorial session held on the morning of the 11th of August 2015. Is there a limit to the length of the description that can be given to a global tag? A certain maximum number of characters perhaps? One hundred, two hundred, a thousand, there surely must be some limit? When will it be reached? One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty two, Twenty three, Twenty four, Twenty five, Twenty six, Twenty seven, Twenty eight, Twenty nine, Thirty, Thirty one, Thirty two, Thirty three, Thirty four, Thirty five, Thirty six, Thirty seven, Thirty eight, Thirty nine, Forty, Forty one, Forty two, Forty three, Forty four, Forty five, Forty six, Forty seven, Forty eight, Forty nine, Fifty, Fifty one, Fifty two, Fifty three, Fifty four, Fifty five, Fifty six, Fifty seven, Fifty eight, Fifty nine, Sixty, Sixty one, Sixty two, Sixty three, Sixty four, Sixty five, Sixty six, Sixty seven, Sixty eight, Sixty nine, Seventy, Seventy one, Seventy two, Seventy three, Seventy four, Seventy five, Seventy six, Seventy seven, Seventy eight, Seventy nine, Eighty, Eighty one, Eighty two, Eighty three, Eighty four, Eighty five, Eighty six, Eighty seven, Eighty eight, Eighty nine, Ninety, Ninety one, Ninety two, Ninety three, Ninety four, Ninety five, Ninety six, Ninety seven, Ninety eight, Ninety nine, One hundred. Has this hit the limit?
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7:01 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
b2pnnlss_mattb_test 84
A test global tag created during the Belle II Summer School, held at the Pacific North West National Laboratory (PNNL) from the 10th of August 2015 until the 15th of August 2015, during the database tutorial session held on the morning of the 11th of August 2015.
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
belle2_summer_school_test_shawn 83
B2SS test
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
b2ss_test_jake 82
Example GT for USB2 Summer School
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 7 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
b2ss_test_lynn 81
Example GT for SS
INVALID DEV 04/12/2018 6:59 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
IsarTag01 80
no desc
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:19 p.m. TEST USER 1 1
testAerogel 79
aerogel info test
INVALID DEV 12/18/2015 1:40 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
Romulus 77
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:20 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
RomulusGodang 76
INVALID DEV 08/11/2015 5:53 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
Romulus_Test1 75
Test only
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:20 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
teddy_test_13 73
teddy add gt test from python
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 10:09 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
lynn_test2 71
second test
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 10:11 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
70_COPY-OF_b2gm_mattb_test 70
Test global tag for top testbeam parameters
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:24 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
69_COPY-OF_b2gm_test_gt 69 INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:24 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
68_COPY-OF_b2gm_test_gt 68 INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:24 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
teddy_test_12 67
teddy add gt test from python
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 10:09 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
64_COPY-OF_teddy_test_11 64
teddy add gt test from python
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:24 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
teddy_test_11 58
teddy add gt test from python
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 10:09 a.m. TEST USER 0 0