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GlobalTag: 34 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
hohmann_test_hlttrigger_patch 2679
testing payload for patching the HLT skims
OPEN DEV 09/19/2022 2:10 p.m. hohmann 3 3
temp_main_hohmann_20220704-072112 2578
This payload contains trained weightfiles for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module. This module will replace the EClChargedPID module for charged pid in the ecl.
TESTING DEV 07/22/2022 11:50 a.m. hohmann 1 1
hohmann_mva_NN_testing_100622 2506
for testing NN based lepton ID MVA
TESTING DEV 06/10/2022 1:13 p.m. hohmann 1 1
hohmann_mva_testing 2380
tag to test uploading mva
VALIDATED DEV 03/20/2022 4:36 a.m. hohmann 4 4
staging_main_hohmann_20211201-041410 2152
This is a weightfile for the mva method in the analysis module curlTagger.
OPEN DEV 12/01/2021 4:14 a.m. hohmann 1 1
staging_analysis_hohmann_20190226-102039 542
Providing a central training for the mva selector in the analysis modCurlTagger module
OPEN DEV 02/26/2019 10:21 a.m. hohmann 1 1
staging_master_hohmann_20190226-102039 541
Providing a central training for the mva selector in the analysis modCurlTagger module
OPEN DEV 02/26/2019 10:21 a.m. hohmann 1 1
staging_analysis_hohmann_20190226-100933 540
This is a weightwfile for a Kshort classifier that I intend to share with the collaboration. r. I inted  I plan to add this either to st I plan to add this to either use this to eitehr cher create a standard particle k short list ('('KsS_0:mva') or adding a classifyKshort function to modular analysis. I believe this tool will e be used by the wider collaboration. eful to the wider collaboration.
OPEN DEV 02/26/2019 10:10 a.m. hohmann 1 1
staging_master_hohmann_20190226-100933 539
This is a weightwfile for a Kshort classifier that I intend to share with the collaboration. r. I inted  I plan to add this either to st I plan to add this to either use this to eitehr cher create a standard particle k short list ('('KsS_0:mva') or adding a classifyKshort function to modular analysis. I believe this tool will e be used by the wider collaboration. eful to the wider collaboration.
OPEN DEV 02/26/2019 10:09 a.m. hohmann 1 1