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GlobalTag: 3204 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thYZup 2300
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeXdn 2293
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thXYup 2302
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeYup 2294
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:05 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thXYdn 2303
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:09 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_nominal 2285
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:01 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_IPZdn 2291
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
bucket9_timeDepBeamSpot 1278
BeamSpot with time dependence inside run
OPEN DEV 08/26/2020 6:14 p.m. zlebcr 281 1
beamtest_vxd_april2016_rev1 187
beam test alignment
OPEN DEV 06/10/2016 11:02 a.m. TEST USER 45 1
BellePID 709
Belle PID weights
TESTING DEV 10/20/2023 7:57 a.m. capid 294 128
my_cloned_tag_with_goats 2141
Belle PID weights
OPEN DEV 11/25/2021 8 a.m. ikomarov 277 119
BellePID_test 2146
Belle PID weights
TESTING DEV 02/24/2023 4:48 a.m. ikomarov 294 128
alignment_CHEP2021_bucket15_Aligned2Best 1517
Best full alignment on data - for public plot for CHEP2021 - comfiguration for proc12
TESTING DEV 02/07/2021 9:36 p.m. tadeas 3 3
temp_validation_casarosa_20220625-160226 2549
better calibrations
OPEN DEV 06/25/2022 4:02 p.m. casarosa 1 1
MagneticField_QCSoff_Nov2020 1413
B Field, QCSoff, updated Nov2020
TESTING RELEASE 11/17/2020 4:20 p.m. dvthanh 1 1
staging_master_remnev_20181226-060800 490
BII-4341 (ECLDQM Extended) uses these payloads to quickly detect ShaperDSP boards that started sending corrupted data.
OPEN DEV 12/26/2018 6:08 a.m. remnev 3 3
staging_validation_spruck_20210907-163155 1987
OPEN DEV 09/07/2021 4:34 p.m. spruck 2 1
BoostVector_proc12_chunk2_off 2315
Boost Vector payloads for proc12 chunk2 off-resonance data
TESTING DEV 01/28/2022 2:13 p.m. zlebcr 208 1
svd_TESTING_SVDMCClusterTimeFudgeFactor_SVDTimeGroupingConfiguration_for_MC 3007
Both the payloads are required after introducing cluster time shift for data. The values in the payload corresponds to SVDClusterTimeShifter_rev_3 using data Exp-24 Run-1726.
TESTING DEV 07/10/2023 12:43 p.m. surya 2 2
B->rho l nu CS weights
OPEN DEV 01/11/2019 3:26 p.m. lgreeven 42 41
staging_master_livent_20200811-080213 1270
Bring FarBeamLine geometry up to date; fix an error in Chryostat geometry.
OPEN DEV 08/11/2020 8:02 a.m. livent 2 2
cdc_bucket12_v2 1128
bucket12 by mp2
TESTING DEV 06/05/2020 2:26 a.m. uchida 10 9
alignment_resetBucket13wireAlignment 1233
Bucket13 CDC alignment with wires (xb,yb,xf,yf) set to 0.
TESTING DEV 07/19/2020 1:21 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_bucket19_fix 2123
Bucket15 alignment is recalculated again on top of data_reprocessing_prompt which show issues with this bucket - see #BIIPERF-175
TESTING DEV 11/18/2021 8:34 p.m. bilkat 6 6
bucket16bMcBeamParams 1998
Bucket16b Beam parameters payloads for time-dep MC
OPEN DEV 09/15/2021 2:48 p.m. zlebcr 42 4