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GlobalTag: 3194 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20210823 1958
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 08/23/2021 7:37 a.m. tamponi 59743 317
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20220425_v2 2417
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 04/26/2022 1:52 p.m. tamponi 68829 324
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20220615 2517
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 06/15/2022 12:38 p.m. tamponi 72790 324
data_reprocessing_s-proc4_broken 2917
Baseline globaltag for the s-proc4 campaign to recalibrate bucket36 with prerelease-07-00-00c. Includes in order of priority patch_main_release-07_noTOP data_reprocessing_prompt.
OPEN RELEASE 03/22/2023 1:53 p.m. mapr 2881 284
master_2019-09-13 702
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2019-08-14 Changes are collected in Pull request #4799, see
INVALID RELEASE 12/09/2019 12:59 p.m. tuppr_ware 345 312
master_2020-10-06 1345
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2020-10-09 Changes are collected in Pull request #7176, see
TESTING RELEASE 10/19/2020 1:41 p.m. tuppr_ware 403 362
mc_production_MC14b_prompt 1634
GT for run-dependent MC14b corresponding to prompt processing
TESTING RELEASE 04/13/2021 1:07 p.m. martini 70 34
1434_COPY-OF_data_reprocessing_prompt 1434
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 12/01/2020 1:36 p.m. tamponi 0 0
data_reprocessing_prompt_bucket1 558
GT for the prompt processing of bucket 1 (exp 6 run 1053 - exp 6 run 1389 )
INVALID RELEASE 03/25/2019 9:05 a.m. tamponi 309 278
gen_B2Dh_hh 2362
TESTING RELEASE 03/04/2022 2:37 a.m. tiacrane 2 2
release-03-01-00_rev2 543
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: release-03-01-00 Changes are collected in Pull request #3604, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 02/27/2019 5:41 p.m. tuppr_ware 302 289
master_2019-07-15 651
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2019-06-07 Changes are collected in Pull request #4370, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 07/17/2019 8:12 a.m. tuppr_ware 320 298
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20211129 2149
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 11/29/2021 1:51 p.m. tamponi 61439 317
test_clone_2021-06-28 1948
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2021-06-25 Changes are collected in Pull request #8769, see
OPEN RELEASE 08/04/2021 5:56 p.m. tuppr_ware 419 376
release-03-01-00_rev3 547
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: release-03-01-00_rev2 Changes are collected in Pull request #3629, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 03/06/2019 11:48 a.m. tuppr_ware 305 289
master_2019-02-28 544
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2019-02-21 Changes are collected in Pull request #3609, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 03/06/2019 3:28 p.m. tuppr_ware 304 288
ContSupp_Kpi_electron 2882
OPEN RELEASE 02/11/2023 2:53 a.m. tiacrane 5 3
data_reprocessing_prompt_bucket0 550
prompt processing of run bucket 0 - (6, 374, 6, 1302) - BIIDP-1225
PUBLISHED RELEASE 03/07/2019 1:23 p.m. tamponi 291 276
test_large_gt2 1841
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 06/22/2021 1:57 p.m. tamponi 53379 313