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GlobalTag: 3212 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
charm_beamSpot_misalignment_v0_1 1245
BeamSpot calibration with misalignment in charm_misalignment_v0_1 GT
TESTING RELEASE 07/27/2020 3:19 p.m. casarosa 1 1
master_2020-08-06 1252
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2020-05-13 Changes are collected in Pull request #6717, see
TESTING RELEASE 08/11/2020 8:15 a.m. tuppr_ware 387 348
release-04-02-03 1054
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: release-04-02-00_rev2 Changes are collected in Pull request #6211, see
TESTING RELEASE 05/11/2020 8:05 a.m. tuppr_ware 351 319
GT_gen_prod_004.15_release-01-01-00-abandoned 310
Global tag for release-01-00-00
INVALID RELEASE 02/10/2018 5:22 p.m. bracko 903 886
315_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_004.10_release-01-00-00 315
Global tag for release-01-00-00
INVALID RELEASE 03/01/2018 8:35 a.m. bracko 903 886
mc_production_MC13a_proc11 1046
Dedicated GT for run-independent MC samples corresponding to proc11
TESTING RELEASE 05/22/2020 12:18 p.m. jbennett 24 20
data_reprocessing_prompt_bucket12_baseline 1094
Clone of GT: data_reprocessing_prompt used as baseline for bucket12
TESTING RELEASE 05/21/2020 7:48 a.m. zani 32507 297
mc_production_MC13b_bucket12 1225
GT for run-dependent MC13b corresponding to bucket12
OPEN RELEASE 07/13/2020 2:29 p.m. jbennett 6 6
BeamSpotMC14Av2 1323
MC14A beamspot preparation
TESTING RELEASE 09/28/2020 12:09 p.m. glazov 4 4
GT_gen_prod_004.20_release-01-01-00 322
Global tag for release-01-01-00
INVALID RELEASE 02/28/2018 4:06 p.m. bracko 912 889
IP_MC13b_prompt 1248
BeamParameters and BeamSpot for MC13b_prompt
TESTING RELEASE 08/10/2020 11:32 a.m. casarosa 4 4
clone_of_294 314
Global tag for release-01-00-00
INVALID RELEASE 03/01/2018 8:35 a.m. bracko 903 886
313_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_004.10_release-01-00-00 313
Global tag for release-01-00-00
INVALID RELEASE 03/01/2018 8:40 a.m. bracko 903 886
GT_gen_prod_004.15_release-01-01-00-dummy 311
Global tag for release-01-01-00
INVALID RELEASE 03/20/2018 8:05 a.m. bracko 912 889
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20210622_beforeIntervention 1838
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 06/22/2021 1:27 p.m. tamponi 53379 313
master_2020-09-26 1307
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2020-08-06 Changes are collected in Pull request #7064, see
TESTING RELEASE 09/29/2020 8:04 a.m. tuppr_ware 399 358
copyof_data_reprocessing_prompt_20200928 1328
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
RUNNING RELEASE 12/01/2020 1:12 p.m. tamponi 42455 309
GT_gen_data_004.33_gcr2018-02-03 352
GT for GCR2a reprocessing of Global Cosmic Run in 2018/February+March
PUBLISHED RELEASE 04/18/2018 9:29 a.m. bracko 3522 2366
mc_production_MC13b_proc11 1031
Dedicated GT for run-dependent MC samples corresponding to proc11
TESTING RELEASE 05/22/2020 12:18 p.m. jbennett 86 25
1117_COPY-OF_data_reprocessing_prompt 1117
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 05/22/2020 3:08 p.m. tamponi 0 0
204_COPY-OF_production 204 PUBLISHED RELEASE 01/09/2017 2:45 p.m. TEST USER 1920 1448
charm_misalignment_v0 1129
misaligned CDC and VXD - MC
TESTING RELEASE 05/27/2020 10:49 a.m. casarosa 2 2
214_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_01.00_lib08.00-test 214
GT for the release 8 - test version!
INVALID RELEASE 01/11/2017 10:48 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
mc_production_MC13b_bucket9 1153
GT for run-dependent MC13b corresponding to bucket9
OPEN RELEASE 06/08/2020 3:53 p.m. nibedita 15 15
MagneticField_QCSon_Nov2020 1412
Phase3 B Field, updated Nov2020
TESTING RELEASE 11/17/2020 4:20 p.m. dvthanh 1 1