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GlobalTag: 3201 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
user_hearty_staging_proc16 3181
staging GT for proc16
OPEN DEV 01/25/2024 8:33 p.m. hearty 8 2
user_hearty_test 3058
temporary staging GT for testing ECL calibrations
OPEN DEV 04/19/2024 3:39 p.m. hearty 0 0
user_hitoshi_cdc_sproc5MCrd 3109
CDC payloads for s-proc5 MCrd
OPEN DEV 11/12/2023 5:55 p.m. hitoshi 2 2
user_hohmann_ECLChargedPIDMVA_BDT_and_CNN_noPSD_2023_11_11 3108
payload for ECLChargedPIDMVA using the CNN files v9 withhout PSD info and a matching BDT
TESTING DEV 11/11/2023 12:50 p.m. hohmann 1 1
user_hohmann_test120324 3231
OPEN DEV 03/12/2024 2:18 p.m. hohmann 0 0
user_jcerasol_Bu2Knunu_graFEI_newParams_newCuts_v1 3224
GraFEI training performed on Bu2Knunu signal MC15ri using new hyperparameters and new cuts.
TESTING DEV 03/04/2024 9:51 a.m. jcerasol 2 2
user_jcerasol_Bu2Knunu_graFEI_UpsReco_example 3230
GraFEI training performed on Bu2Knunu MC15ri using a sample of 1000 events to provide example
TESTING DEV 03/08/2024 1:11 p.m. jcerasol 2 2
user_jcerasol_graFEI_example 3240
GraFEI training performed on mixed and Bu2Knunu MC15ri using samples of 1000 events to provide example
TESTING DEV 03/21/2024 11:13 a.m. jcerasol 4 4
user_jcerasol_mixed_graFEI_BReco_example 3229
GraFEI training performed on mixed MC15ri using a sample of 1000 events to provide example
TESTING DEV 03/08/2024 12:55 p.m. jcerasol 2 2
user_jikumar_patchjan29 3183
test gt
TESTING DEV 01/29/2024 3:27 p.m. jikumar 2 2
user_lacaprar_test2_software_trigger_cut 3299
A test GT to upload only software_trigger_cut from online
OPEN DEV 04/19/2024 3:23 p.m. lacaprar 14 14
user_lacaprar_test3_software_trigger_cut 3300
A test GT to upload only software_trigger_cut from online
OPEN DEV 04/19/2024 3:24 p.m. lacaprar 108 108
user_lacaprar_test_software_trigger_cut 3298
A test GT to upload only software_trigger_cut from online
TESTING DEV 04/19/2024 3:11 p.m. lacaprar 108 108
user_lgcorona_groupID3sample 3129
grouping ON for SVD studies only on 6 samples, but groupID assignement ON also for 3-samples
TESTING DEV 12/01/2023 7:17 a.m. lgcorona 1 1
user_lgcorona_groupingOFF 3119
grouping OFF for SVD studies
OPEN DEV 11/27/2023 2:30 p.m. lgcorona 1 1
user_liuyux_KsFinder_dev 3185
weights files for LGBM KsFinder
TESTING DEV 02/05/2024 4:55 a.m. liuyux 2 2
user_liuyux_KsFinder_LGBM 3103
Globaltag for KsFinder MVA weightfiles
TESTING DEV 11/03/2023 1:55 a.m. liuyux 12 9
user_livent_Cryostat-FarBeamLine-fix-20240213 3194
Cryostat and FarBeamLine geometry fix to 1) Avoid overlap with STR, 2) Avoid ExportGeometry module crash, 3) Correct end of accelerator tunnel gaps.
OPEN DEV 02/13/2024 5:40 p.m. livent 2 2
user_natochii_beast_beamabort_20231010 3080
Build Diamonds (a.k.a., beast/beamabort) with Belle II for BG studies and other simulations/jobs to include the material budget.
TESTING DEV 10/10/2023 4:57 a.m. natochii 2 2
user_nkzwjp_trg_online 3157
online for trigger DQM
OPEN DEV 01/10/2024 8:37 a.m. nkzwjp 6 6
user_nkzwjp_trg_online_ftd_0051 3314
TRG online for exp 33
OPEN DEV 05/16/2024 11:29 p.m. nkzwjp 0 0
user_paololeo_XTCheb2Free 3164
TESTING DEV 01/17/2024 8:24 a.m. paololeo 3 3
user_qyliu_beam_bg_sim_20240416_run2_belle2-beast2_farbeamline 3311
Run2 of Belle II + Beast II within the IR+FarBeamline (|s|<26m). Geometry payloads for the beam-induced background simulation. It requires some modifications of the Belle II sub-system settings (study). For now, the Beast II system is not present in the DB, so its geometry is built from the XML file. Created with feature branch BII-8886-new-background-shields on May 15. The shorter beam pipe installed during LS1 has not been implemented in the code. This GT can be used for the run-dependent MC sample production. exp/run = 30/3063-30/3077.
TESTING DEV 05/15/2024 1:28 p.m. qyliu 21 21
user_renu_online_payoads 3186
updating the payloads for the online global tag for the new data period
OPEN DEV 02/06/2024 9:44 p.m. renu 7 7
user_rihoppe_tracking_momSF_v0 3232
GT for track momentum sf and energy loss corrections corresponding to v2 of BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2023-069
OPEN DEV 03/12/2024 2:29 p.m. rihoppe 4 4