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GlobalTag: 3201 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
user_takaham_pxd_exp1004_PXDCKFSeedHitParameters 3193
change PXDCKFSeedHitParameters for exp1004 from rev1 (same as exp0, no jumping for pT<500MeV) to rev2 (same as exp1003 and online, jumping allowed)
TESTING DEV 02/13/2024 8:24 a.m. takaham 1 1
user_takaham_pxd_exp28calibration 3068
user GT containing PXD calibration payloads for exp28
TESTING DEV 09/27/2023 10:40 p.m. takaham 135 3
user_takaham_pxdgeoforbkgstudy 3238
GT to store PXDGeometryPar payloads created with Gearbox overrides for background studies
TESTING DEV 03/19/2024 2:14 p.m. takaham 2 1
user_takaham_pxd_run2prompt 3214
GT containing private prompt calibration payloads for PXD
TESTING DEV 05/13/2024 12:12 p.m. takaham 1938 3
user_takaham_pxd_staging_online 3042
user GT containing payload to be copied to official GT
OPEN DEV 09/24/2023 11:20 p.m. takaham 2 1
user_takaham_pxd_staging_online_v2 3065
v2 of a user GT containing payload to be copied to official GT
TESTING DEV 09/24/2023 11:29 p.m. takaham 1 1
user_takaham_pxd_staging_sproc5_local 3077
user GT to stage payloads for sproc5 local calibration
TESTING DEV 10/05/2023 10:44 a.m. takaham 4 3
user_tamponi_etahb_analysis 3066
BDT payloads for the e+e- -> eta hb analysis
TESTING DEV 09/25/2023 7:34 a.m. tamponi 1 1
user_tamponi_stagingstuff 3107
a place to dump stuff
OPEN DEV 11/09/2023 9:20 a.m. tamponi 225 1
user_tamponi_test 3150
test GT
OPEN DEV 12/26/2023 8:15 a.m. tamponi 0 0
user_thanhduy_cdc_badwires_bucket37 3310
CDC Badwire payloads for bucket 37
TESTING DEV 05/14/2024 7:39 a.m. thanhduy 5 1
user_unok_lideff_cor_rel6_mc15rd 3130
Lepton ID Data/MC15rd corrections, based on the full 362/fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS
TESTING DEV 12/02/2023 5:57 a.m. unok 16 16
user_unok_lideff_cor_rel6_mc15ri 3122
Lepton ID Data/MC15ri corrections, based on the full 362/fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS
TESTING DEV 11/29/2023 3:40 a.m. unok 80 80
user_unok_lideff_cor_rel6_mc15ri_dense 3126
Lepton ID Data/MC15ri corrections, based on the full 362/fb (4S) 2019-2022 DS, dense theta binning
TESTING DEV 11/30/2023 7:18 a.m. unok 40 40
user_yosato_KsFinder_dev 3071
weight file for KsFinder including V0 selection and Lambda Veto
TESTING DEV 10/03/2023 9:02 a.m. yosato 3 3
user_yosato_recommendations 3187
temporal gt to store json payloads
TESTING DEV 03/01/2024 1:52 a.m. yosato 5 2
user_zihan_NNmuidWeightFile 3245
(for test) weight files for KLMMuonIDDNNExpertModule
TESTING DEV 03/26/2024 8:14 a.m. zihan 1 1
val_CDCdEdx_bucket10 1109
validating airflow bucket 10 data
PUBLISHED DEV 04/11/2021 12:49 a.m. jikumar 291 3
val_CDCdEdx_bucket11 1137
validation of bucket 11 const
PUBLISHED DEV 04/11/2021 12:50 a.m. jikumar 312 3
val_CDCdEdx_bucket13 1190
validating airflow bucket 13 for CDC dEdx
PUBLISHED DEV 04/11/2021 12:50 a.m. jikumar 125 3
val_CDCdEdx_bucket14 1232
validating CDC dEDx calibration for bucket14
PUBLISHED DEV 04/11/2021 12:50 a.m. jikumar 237 3
val_CDCdEdx_bucket15 1282
dedx validation of bucket 15
PUBLISHED DEV 01/19/2022 2:42 a.m. jikumar 410 3
val_CDCdEdx_bucket15Corr 1303
corrected rungain payload for run 6037
PUBLISHED DEV 01/19/2022 2:41 a.m. jikumar 1 1
val_CDCdEdx_bucket16 1480
validation GT for bucket16
PUBLISHED DEV 04/11/2021 12:51 a.m. jikumar 290 4
val_CDCdEdx_bucket16b 1784
validation GT for bucket16b (14/1773-14/2135) CDC dE/dx Calibration
PUBLISHED DEV 06/16/2021 2:33 a.m. jkumar 117 4