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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
lambda0_mva_v0 705
Weight file for MVA based Lambda selection
OPEN DEV 09/17/2019 1:11 a.m. 09/17/2019 1:11 a.m. dazhi 1 1
weightfile_Bto3Ks 982
weightfiles for B->3Ks
TESTING DEV 04/23/2020 2:48 p.m. 10/21/2020 5:16 p.m. wankun 6 5
staging_master_longos_20181119-025802 456
weights are computed with release-03 simulation model
OPEN DEV 11/19/2018 2:58 a.m. 11/19/2018 2:58 a.m. longos 1 1
staging_data_longos_20181119-025802 457
weights are computed with release-03 simulation model
OPEN DEV 11/19/2018 2:58 a.m. 11/19/2018 2:58 a.m. longos 1 1
user_liuyux_KsFinder_dev 3185
weights files for LGBM KsFinder
TESTING DEV 02/05/2024 4:41 a.m. 02/05/2024 4:55 a.m. liuyux 2 2
cnn_pid_ecl 1999
Weights for CNN PID ECL models
TESTING DEV 09/15/2021 8:14 p.m. 06/24/2022 7:38 p.m. narimani 8 6
KLid_BDT_weight 2339
weights for KLis BDT
TESTING DEV 02/17/2022 4:13 p.m. 02/17/2022 4:19 p.m. passeri 4 4
pcheema_ECL_MVA_weights 2689
Weights for MVAs trained by pcheema to identify clusters originating from beam background and hadronic split-off.
TESTING DEV 09/28/2022 12:07 a.m. 09/28/2022 12:39 a.m. pgrace 4 4
ECLChargedPIDMVA_xgb_20 2823
Weights for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module using xgboost with parameters tuned such that the weightfile is approximately 20mb.
TESTING DEV 01/02/2023 9:46 p.m. 01/02/2023 9:48 p.m. hohmann 1 1
ECLChargedPIDMVA_xgb_20_withoutE 2824
Weights for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module using xgboost with parameters tuned such that the weightfile is approximately 20mb. Removed per crystal energy.
TESTING DEV 01/04/2023 3:22 p.m. 01/04/2023 3:23 p.m. hohmann 1 1
ECLChargedPIDMVA_xgb_20_withoutE_withCNN 2845
Weights for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module using xgboost with parameters tuned such that the weightfile is approximately 20mb. Removed per crystal energy. Added CNN in barrel.
TESTING DEV 01/07/2023 11:28 p.m. 01/10/2023 5:04 p.m. hohmann 3 1
ECLChargedPIDMVA_xgb_60 2811
Weights for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module using xgboost with parameters tuned such that the weightfile is approximately 60mb
VALIDATED DEV 12/15/2022 12:28 p.m. 12/15/2022 1:49 p.m. hohmann 2 1
ECLChargedPIDMVA_xgb_60_fixed 2818
Weights for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module using xgboost with parameters tuned such that the weightfile is approximately 60mb. Fixed issue with rare tracks that are not able to be extrapolated to the ECL surface with helixExtTheta.
TESTING DEV 12/20/2022 9:33 p.m. 12/20/2022 9:35 p.m. hohmann 1 1
pxd_background_generator 1549
Weights for the PXD background generator models
OPEN DEV 02/25/2021 12:21 a.m. 02/26/2021 5:07 a.m. srebre 4 2
pid_binary_det_weights_release_6 2700
Weights (indiviudual & ablated) to quantify impact of each detector on the binary PID (e/pi, mu/pi, pi/K, K/pi, p/pi, d/pi). From particle gun samples - release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 5:40 a.m. 10/11/2022 5:44 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
pid_global_det_weights_release_6 2699
Weights (indiviudual & ablated) to quantify impact of each detector on the global PID (e/all, mu/all, pi/all, K/all, p/all, d/all). From particle gun samples - release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 5:30 a.m. 10/11/2022 5:44 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
SmartBKG_GATGAP 2430
Well trained GATGAP neural network for FEI skim in B0 hadronic channel
TESTING DEV 05/05/2022 8:13 a.m. 05/09/2022 9:10 a.m. boyang.yu 1 1
staging_master_kurzsimo_20210428-145717 1656
we want to remove conditional path used in tracking (PXD CKF)
OPEN DEV 04/28/2021 2:57 p.m. 04/28/2021 2:57 p.m. kurzsimo 2 1
alignment_wireMCChallenge_v1 1235
Wire misalignment taken from bucket13 + CDC layers and VXD taken from 6th iteration of prompt challenge with p-value cut
TESTING DEV 07/21/2020 9:23 p.m. 07/21/2020 9:26 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_wireMCChallenge_v2 1236
Wire misalignment taken from bucket13 (with layer radius fixed) + CDC layers and VXD taken from 6th iteration of prompt challenge with p-value cut
TESTING DEV 07/22/2020 8:13 a.m. 07/22/2020 8:14 a.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_wireMCChallenge_v3 1240
Wire misalignment taken from bucket13 (with layer radius fixed - just first iteration, >1000entries, constraints OK) + CDC layers and VXD taken from 6th iteration of prompt challenge with p-value cut
TESTING DEV 07/23/2020 10:30 p.m. 07/23/2020 10:30 p.m. tadeas 2 2
test_renaming_tag 97
with a nice description
OPEN DEV 02/09/2017 4:46 a.m. 02/09/2017 4:46 a.m. TEST USER 0 0
test_2D_1D_cellcorrection_2 2885
With new binning
OPEN DEV 02/10/2023 3:10 p.m. 02/10/2023 3:10 p.m. renu 2 2
staging_online_remnev_20220302-060458 2358
Wrong payload contents for ECL_FPGA_StoreDigit
OPEN DEV 03/02/2022 6:05 a.m. 03/02/2022 6:05 a.m. remnev 1 1
Paolo_2ndOrder 2955
OPEN DEV 05/25/2023 11:03 p.m. 05/25/2023 11:03 p.m. paololeo 1 1