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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
data_reprocessing-release-01-02-11 420
GT for data reprocessing with release-01-02-11
OPEN RELEASE 07/17/2018 1:26 p.m. 07/17/2018 1:28 p.m. bracko 6078 220
test_fix_umberto_dontuse3 2161
GT for run-dependent MC14b corresponding to prompt processing
TESTING RELEASE 12/04/2021 3:56 p.m. 12/04/2021 4:02 p.m. martini 264 49
1641_COPY-OF_data_reprocessing_prompt 1641
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 04/20/2021 2:30 p.m. 04/20/2021 2:30 p.m. tamponi 0 0
mod_fei_test_0 2239
Specially trained FEI weights test globaltag
TESTING RELEASE 01/12/2022 4:23 a.m. 01/12/2022 4:32 a.m. privalov 66 66
main_2023-06-27 2988
Software Main Globaltag This globaltag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with full PXD and post-LS1 beam background (post-LS1) Previous globaltag: main_2023-06-21 Changes are collected in Merge request #2074, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 06/27/2023 12:16 p.m. 06/29/2023 3:34 p.m. TUPPRware 548 440
mc_production_MC13b_proc11 1031
Dedicated GT for run-dependent MC samples corresponding to proc11
TESTING RELEASE 05/04/2020 2:11 p.m. 05/22/2020 12:18 p.m. jbennett 86 25
GT_gen_prod_004.31_release-01-02-00 349
Global tag for release-01-02-00
PUBLISHED RELEASE 03/20/2018 8:07 a.m. 04/25/2018 3:33 a.m. bracko 939 902
Kpi_CS_Correlation_Check 2877
TESTING RELEASE 02/03/2023 6:37 p.m. 02/03/2023 6:39 p.m. tiacrane 2 2
mc_production_MC14rd_e_exp16_bucket17 2162
GT for run-dependent MC14b corresponding to prompt processing
TESTING RELEASE 12/04/2021 4:15 p.m. 12/04/2021 4:19 p.m. martini 264 49
BeamSpotForMC13a 1473
BeamSpot payload which corresponds to BeamParameters of MC13a and updated calibration procedure
TESTING RELEASE 01/14/2021 4:13 p.m. 01/14/2021 4:17 p.m. glazov 1 1
1117_COPY-OF_data_reprocessing_prompt 1117
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 05/22/2020 3:08 p.m. 05/22/2020 3:08 p.m. tamponi 0 0
data_reprocessing_prompt_bk_before_bucket10_merge 1118
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 05/22/2020 3:34 p.m. 05/22/2020 3:35 p.m. tamponi 32507 297
BeamSpotForMC13b 1474
BeamSpot payload which corresponds to BeamParameters of MC13b and updated calibration procedure
TESTING RELEASE 01/14/2021 4:28 p.m. 01/14/2021 4:29 p.m. glazov 2 1
main_2022-05-13 2434
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: main_2022-01-27 Changes are collected in Pull request #1016, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 05/13/2022 7:15 a.m. 06/01/2022 1:55 p.m. tuppr_ware 411 369
temp_depietro_main_invalid_TODELETE 2557
OPEN RELEASE 06/27/2022 3:51 p.m. 04/04/2024 11:26 a.m. depietro 412 370
main_2023-06-29 2994
Software Main Globaltag This globaltag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with full PXD and post-LS1 beam background (post-LS1) Previous globaltag: main_2023-06-27 Changes are collected in Merge request #2085, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 06/29/2023 3:36 p.m. 07/09/2023 5:52 p.m. TUPPRware 552 441
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20220523 2468
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 05/23/2022 6:11 p.m. 05/23/2022 6:13 p.m. tamponi 70526 324
master_2018-05-29 396
GT for master from 2018-05-29: Urgent changes to the geometry to reduce memory consumption
PUBLISHED RELEASE 05/29/2018 1:13 p.m. 05/29/2018 8:18 p.m. ritter 270 263
mc_production_MC14rd_e_exp12_proc12_v2 2349
GT for run-dependent MC14b corresponding to prompt processing
TESTING RELEASE 02/25/2022 7:51 a.m. 03/28/2022 12:06 p.m. martini 307 42
data_reprocessing_prompt_bucket7_calcdstprod 660
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
PUBLISHED RELEASE 07/23/2019 2:37 p.m. 07/23/2019 4:51 p.m. tamponi 23417 259
GT_gen_prod_004.47_Master-20180504-074700 367
GT for Master SW branch from 2018-05-04
PUBLISHED RELEASE 05/04/2018 7:47 a.m. 05/25/2018 12:40 p.m. bracko 271 264
main_2023-06-08 2968
Software Main Globaltag This globaltag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with full PXD and post-LS1 beam background (post-LS1) Previous globaltag: main_2023-05-29 Changes are collected in Merge request #1991, see
PUBLISHED RELEASE 06/08/2023 8:45 a.m. 06/21/2023 5:23 p.m. TUPPRware 515 409
muon_CS 2861
TESTING RELEASE 01/15/2023 3:04 a.m. 01/17/2023 5:08 a.m. tiacrane 2 2
data_reprocessing_s-proc4_baseline 2766
Baseline globaltag for the s-proc4 campaign to recalibrate bucket36 with prerelease-07-00-00c. Includes in order of priority patch_main_release-07_noTOP data_reprocessing_prompt.
VALIDATED RELEASE 11/24/2022 9:28 a.m. 03/21/2023 11:15 a.m. mapr 2881 284
charm_misalignment_v0 1129
misaligned CDC and VXD - MC
TESTING RELEASE 05/27/2020 10:39 a.m. 05/27/2020 10:49 a.m. casarosa 2 2