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GlobalTag: 63 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
user_bilkat_alignment_exp28_v1 3063
VXD+CDC alignment from B=0T cosmic data - preliminary, iteration 2
TESTING DEV 09/23/2023 10:34 p.m. bilkat 4 4
beamtest_vxd_april2017_rev1 270
VXD beam test 2017 - alignment
OPEN DEV 06/27/2017 12:26 p.m. bilkat 22 7
alignment_stage2_proc10 752
Time-dependent global alignment of VXD+CDC+BeamSpot with single physics run E7R349, IoV extended backwards and forwards (real data boundaries: E7R2206-E8R349)
TESTING DEV 10/22/2019 1:49 p.m. bilkat 6 3
user_bilkat_alignment_prompt2proc_scale_0.5 3142
This is a rescaled alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v4 misalignment (VXD sensors only) by factor 0.5
TESTING DEV 12/14/2023 1:53 p.m. bilkat 2 2
user_bilkat_alignment_prompt2proc_scale_0.3 3141
This is a rescaled alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v4 misalignment (VXD sensors only) by factor 0.3
TESTING DEV 12/14/2023 1:53 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_reset_VXDCDC 721
This GT contains VXD alignment with all zeros and CDC alignment with zeros for layers and wire x, y ends. The z-positions of the wires are inherited from older payloads where CDC group stored some survey measurements for this. The main purpose of this is to start with alignment from scratch (zeros).
TESTING DEV 09/28/2019 2:53 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_proc12stage1part14_lxtest1 1799
Test two-body decays
TESTING DEV 06/19/2021 7:02 a.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_s-proc2_test1_stage1 1968
Test of s-proc2 realignment for bucket25 - stage1
TESTING DEV 08/27/2021 9:06 a.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_noHemiCon 1793
Test of new alignment for part14 of proc12 stage1 NOT using hemisphere constraints for L55
TESTING DEV 06/17/2021 9:42 a.m. bilkat 2 2
test_CDCLayerAlignment_in_caf 253
Test misaligned global tag for CDCLayerAlignment
OPEN DEV 04/29/2017 4:11 p.m. bilkat 1 1
user_bilkat_misalignment_CDCbyCarsten 3189
Testing misalignment where only y for each layer is misaligned as follows: y = (layer * (layer - 55)) / 28**2 * 0.002
TESTING DEV 02/09/2024 2:52 p.m. bilkat 1 1
user_bilkat_testalignment_e30r2276to2343 3244
testing for timedep - first constant prompt stage
TESTING DEV 03/25/2024 11:41 p.m. bilkat 6 6
bilka_CDCCalibrationsB0exp8_rel4_patch 703
Tag with fixed CDC calibrations for exp 8 B0 data - from run 3463
TESTING DEV 09/12/2019 2:12 p.m. bilkat 4 4
alignment_bucket36_stage1 2619
Stage1 from airflow for manual update due to crashing stage2
TESTING DEV 07/27/2022 8:12 a.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_bucket19_stage1_with_CDC_deform_v1 2428
Stage1 for bucket19 test with artifically deformed CDC
TESTING DEV 05/02/2022 4:14 p.m. bilkat 6 6
user_bilkat_testVXDBowingEvery10s 3247
Special-named payload containing extracted residual changes upsampled to 10s
TESTING DEV 03/29/2024 5:01 p.m. bilkat 15 8
user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned_noWires_IPfixed 3205
Same as user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned but with fixed wires (and IP)
TESTING DEV 02/16/2024 1:57 p.m. bilkat 6 6
user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned_noWires_IPfree 3206
Same as user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned but with fixed wires and floating IP
TESTING DEV 02/16/2024 1:57 p.m. bilkat 6 6
user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAlignedWithJpsi 3204
Same as user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned, but also mass-constrained J/psi used for alignment - 50k B0 -> J/psi KS
TESTING DEV 02/16/2024 1:57 p.m. bilkat 6 6
user_bilkat_misalignment_CDCbyCarsten_v1 3190
same as user_bilkat_misalignment_CDCbyCarsten, but misalignment scale times 10
TESTING DEV 02/09/2024 4:39 p.m. bilkat 1 1
alignment_proc12_chunk2_stage2 1667
Run-dep alignment each run (min 80k entries) using dimuons with IP constr(IP free) for chunk2 in proc12
TESTING DEV 05/07/2021 9:40 p.m. bilkat 676 2
alignment_bucket12_runByRun_v1 1130
Run-by-run pixel sensors + half-shells alignment for bucket12. Multiple CDC intervals
TESTING DEV 05/27/2020 11:31 a.m. bilkat 396 9
alignment_reset_MC 2810
Reset alignment payloads for VXD and CDC to exactly zeros for default ideal MC simulation
TESTING DEV 12/14/2022 12:42 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_bucket19_prompt_with_CDC_deform_v1 2427
Recalculated prompt baseline alignment of bucket19 with artificially defomed CDC endplates
TESTING DEV 05/02/2022 2:34 p.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_bucket19_fix_BeamSpot 2124
Recalculated BeamSpot for Bucket15 alignment, which is recalculated again on top of data_reprocessing_prompt which show issues with this bucket - see #BIIPERF-175
TESTING DEV 11/18/2021 10:17 p.m. bilkat 135 1