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GlobalTag: 9 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
chilikin_analysis_test 2607
Testing of analysis payloads.
TESTING DEV 07/25/2022 1:14 p.m. chilikin 4 4
staging_master_chilikin_20210701-210059 1889
KLM MC time calibration.
OPEN DEV 07/01/2021 9:03 p.m. chilikin 2 2
staging_master_chilikin_20210630-144941 1886
Configuration of KLM reconstruction, new payload.
OPEN DEV 06/30/2021 2:49 p.m. chilikin 1 1
staging_master_chilikin_20210630-141339 1885
Update of KLM time calibration data to take resolution into account during reconstruction of 2D hits in the future.
OPEN DEV 06/30/2021 2:13 p.m. chilikin 1 1
staging_master_chilikin_20210630-122317 1884
Update of HardwareClockSettings class to allow for non-integer scaling factors.
OPEN DEV 06/30/2021 12:23 p.m. chilikin 1 1
staging_master_chilikin_20210629-134719 1877
Use of global hardware clock settings in KLM simulation.
OPEN DEV 06/29/2021 1:47 p.m. chilikin 1 1
staging_master_chilikin_20200131-123955 866
Creation of merged channel-level KLM electronics map.
OPEN DEV 01/31/2020 12:40 p.m. chilikin 1 1
staging_master_chilikin_20190211-102323 516
Merge of EKLM and BKLM scintillator digitization code. The payload KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters is new. The old payloads BKLMScinDigitizationParams and EKLMDigitizationParameters are deleted and they can also be deleted from the database.
OPEN DEV 02/11/2019 10:23 a.m. chilikin 2 2
staging_master_chilikin_20190129-095814 505
Implementation of unified KLM time conversion.
OPEN DEV 01/29/2019 9:59 a.m. chilikin 2 1