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GlobalTag: 12 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
cdc_proc13_chunk2_XTcorrected 2402
payloads for proc12 chunk with wrong XT relations corrected
TESTING DEV 04/07/2022 4:44 p.m. eberthol 4 4
CDC_proc13_A 2338
payloads forthe of exp 8 and exp 10
OPEN DEV 02/17/2022 3:52 p.m. eberthol 8 4
CDC_modifiedT0_2021Set29 2055
updated T0 payloads without negative T0
TESTING DEV 10/06/2021 1:16 p.m. eberthol 26 1
cdc_bucket18 1653
payloads for bucket18 prompt after correcting 3 XT functions
TESTING DEV 04/26/2021 8:13 a.m. eberthol 4 4
cdc_proc12_chunk1_test 1556
testing of cdc payloads for proc12 chunk1
TESTING DEV 03/02/2021 9:16 a.m. eberthol 4 4
cdc_bucket16_L54tests_v1 1501
change xt functions to make L54 available in the calib
TESTING DEV 01/31/2021 1:03 p.m. eberthol 1 1
cdc_bucket16_validation 1462
bucket 16 tracking raw data calibration validation
TESTING DEV 12/20/2020 11:24 p.m. eberthol 4 4
cdc_bucket15_sproc1_test 1404
testing s-proc1 CDC payloads
TESTING DEV 11/11/2020 8:44 p.m. eberthol 4 4
cdc_bucket15_v1 1266
cdc constants for bucket 15
TESTING DEV 08/09/2020 7:10 a.m. eberthol 4 4
cdc_bucket14_v2 1215
testing: modified XT functions
TESTING DEV 07/09/2020 1:16 p.m. eberthol 4 4
cdc_bucket14_v1 1214
payload testing for calibration
TESTING DEV 07/09/2020 11:58 a.m. eberthol 4 4
CDC_bucket13_v2 1183
For testing
TESTING DEV 06/22/2020 7:06 a.m. eberthol 4 4