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GlobalTag: 68 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_noLrad 1806
Proc12 part14 stag1 version without L53 radius constraint
TESTING DEV 06/21/2021 4:41 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_ZExpansion_50um 1749
Z-expansion in VXD by +50um
TESTING DEV 06/06/2021 11:47 a.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v4_test1 1747
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v4 wire difference between prompt and proc12, ladders zero, signs should be correct. Added z-pos mislaignment for conical part
TESTING DEV 06/04/2021 9:47 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v4 1746
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v4 wire difference between prompt and proc12, ladders zero, signs should be correct
TESTING DEV 06/04/2021 2:57 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v3 1745
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wires reset to zero; ladders reset to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 11:30 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v2 1744
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wires reset to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 9:26 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v1 1743
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wire z-positions set to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 7:59 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1 1742
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 6:53 p.m. tadeas 0 0
alignment_test_proc12chunk2part14_withL3 1739
Alternative alignment for part14 of chunk2 with L3 sensors run dependent
TESTING DEV 06/02/2021 12:01 p.m. tadeas 498 6
alignment_proc12_stage2_v1 1568
Proc12 stage2 (run-dep) with all prompt params free every 80k events ... version 1
TESTING DEV 03/12/2021 6:55 p.m. tadeas 426 6
alignment_proc12 1566
Official CDC+VXD alignment for proc12. Version v5 (or B) - run-dep CDC layers, VXD shells, PXD sensors rigid body params on top stage 1 (with wires). IoV gaps between experiments fixed manually.
TESTING DEV 03/12/2021 1:51 p.m. tadeas 142 2
alignment_proc12_stage1_v1 1562
Full global alignment performed in blocks and adjusted to fix payload issues - version 2 with one mess payload divison
TESTING DEV 05/02/2021 1:06 p.m. tadeas 22 2
alignment_proc12_stage1 1560
Full global alignment performed in blocks and adjusted to fix payload issues
TESTING DEV 05/02/2021 12:52 p.m. tadeas 24 2
alignment_proc12_baselineCDCAlignment_resetWires 1557
Payloads extracted and cleaned up from data_reprocessing_proc12_baseline_00 - wire positions in xb,yb,xf,yf reset to 0 for realignment
TESTING DEV 03/03/2021 1:48 a.m. tadeas 15 1
alignment_CHEP2021_bucket15_PromptReset 1518
Prompt with wires reset to 0 and realigned without wires but with dimuons with IP constraint - for public plot for CHEP2021
TESTING DEV 02/07/2021 9:36 p.m. tadeas 3 3
alignment_CHEP2021_bucket15_Aligned2Best 1517
Best full alignment on data - for public plot for CHEP2021 - comfiguration for proc12
TESTING DEV 02/07/2021 9:36 p.m. tadeas 3 3
alignment_resetBucket15wireAlignment_v2 1492
Reset wire alignment (keep z-positions) for bucket15 prompt
TESTING DEV 01/25/2021 9:57 a.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_resetBucket15CDCwireAlignment 1483
data_reprocessing_prompt with wires reset to nominal values (zeros)
TESTING DEV 01/16/2021 5:56 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_realisticCDCWireMisalignment13Jan2020 1472
Realistic alignment (only) for wires extracted from data
TESTING DEV 01/13/2021 11:02 a.m. tadeas 1 1
s-proc_bucket15_VXDCDCAlignment_fixed 1415
Special processing for bucket15 alignment - manually fixed for low stat runs - to be uploaded to Airflow
TESTING DEV 11/25/2020 7:12 p.m. tadeas 87 2
alignment_resetCDCwires_bucket14 1370
Copy CDCAlignment revision 119 (bucket14) with wire alignment(xb,yb,xf,yf) set to zero
TESTING DEV 10/21/2020 3:11 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_realignment_bucket13wires_v1 1251
Realignment with wires of bucket13, iteration 2
TESTING DEV 07/30/2020 10:09 p.m. tadeas 78 3
alignment_BeamSpotFixYSize_v1 1241
reset IP position to 0. + set Y size to 2 um
TESTING DEV 07/25/2020 12:05 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_wireMCChallenge_v3 1240
Wire misalignment taken from bucket13 (with layer radius fixed - just first iteration, >1000entries, constraints OK) + CDC layers and VXD taken from 6th iteration of prompt challenge with p-value cut
TESTING DEV 07/23/2020 10:30 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_wireMCChallenge_v2 1236
Wire misalignment taken from bucket13 (with layer radius fixed) + CDC layers and VXD taken from 6th iteration of prompt challenge with p-value cut
TESTING DEV 07/22/2020 8:14 a.m. tadeas 2 2