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GlobalTag: 68 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
alignment_2019c_v2 765
Fixed alignment_2019c_v1 with vertex+beam constrained decays removed
TESTING DEV 11/05/2019 1:35 a.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_2019c_v3_from3507 853
IP+VXD+CDC alignment, IP+halfshells run-by-run(large runs), sensors+CDClayers once, from run 3507 to run 5896, but last IoVs left open
TESTING DEV 01/13/2020 5:51 p.m. tadeas 165 3
alignment_2019c_v4 867
IP+VXD+CDC alignment for exp10, run-dep.
TESTING DEV 02/02/2020 2:41 a.m. tadeas 173 3
alignment_2020a_testing_v1 1096
First batch of run-by-run (large runs) alignment for VXD shells + PXD sensors, with CDC layer alignment (more granularity only in bucket9, others not yet fixed - one const CDC alignment. Includes BeamSpot alignment for selected runs. Two runs removed due to bug with missing constraint in first time interval - fixed for bucket 9, remaining for rest up to 2500 - no concern
OPEN DEV 05/15/2020 3:39 p.m. tadeas 1722 9
alignment_2020a_testing_v2 1100
First batch of run-by-run (large runs) alignment for VXD shells + PXD sensors, with CDC layer alignment (more granularity only in bucket9, others not yet fixed - one const CDC alignment. Includes BeamSpot alignment for selected runs. Two runs removed due to bug with missing constraint in first time interval - fixed for bucket 9, remaining for rest up to 2500 - no concern. Fixed 2500-3000 run range
OPEN DEV 05/16/2020 10:17 a.m. tadeas 1491 9
alignment_baseline_prompt_reset 2425
Baseline suitable for any current prompt alignment start with wires reset to zero - to have exact same alignment reference at the start of each bucket
TESTING DEV 05/01/2022 11:37 a.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_BeamSpotFixYSize_v1 1241
reset IP position to 0. + set Y size to 2 um
TESTING DEV 07/25/2020 12:05 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_bucket14_it2_withPvalCut 1220
Manual bucket 14 result
TESTING DEV 07/11/2020 2:10 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_bucket25prompt_resetWires 1964
CDCAlignment from data_reprocessing_prompt bucet25 with wire alignment reset to zeros
TESTING DEV 08/26/2021 12:58 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_bucket26 2129
Airflow tag from full alignment cleaned up
OPEN DEV 11/21/2021 12:20 a.m. tadeas 48 2
alignment_bucket27_prompt 2176
Official bucket27 alignment for Airflow upload
OPEN DEV 12/11/2021 10:55 a.m. tadeas 72 2
alignment_bucket28 2210
Airflow alignment of bucket28
OPEN DEV 12/27/2021 9:51 a.m. tadeas 62 2
alignment_bucket29 2245
Airflow alignment for bucket29
OPEN DEV 01/12/2022 10:51 a.m. tadeas 70 2
alignment_bucket31 2407
Airflow result for bucket31 minus BeamSpot
OPEN DEV 04/17/2022 8:21 a.m. tadeas 180 6
alignment_bucket32 2431
Airflow result for bucket32 - this time starting from resetted alignment to remove accumulated z-offset due to alignment z-reference issue
TESTING DEV 05/10/2022 2:57 p.m. tadeas 228 6
alignment_bucket33 2504
Airflow result for bucket33 - extended to start with run 1917 instead 1996?
TESTING DEV 06/09/2022 8:30 a.m. tadeas 240 6
alignment_bucket34 2542
Alignment for bucket34
TESTING DEV 06/22/2022 3:37 p.m. tadeas 252 6
alignment_bucket35 2584
Airflow bucket35
TESTING DEV 07/06/2022 7:38 a.m. tadeas 300 6
alignment_CHEP2021_bucket15_Aligned2Best 1517
Best full alignment on data - for public plot for CHEP2021 - comfiguration for proc12
TESTING DEV 02/07/2021 9:36 p.m. tadeas 3 3
alignment_CHEP2021_bucket15_PromptReset 1518
Prompt with wires reset to 0 and realigned without wires but with dimuons with IP constraint - for public plot for CHEP2021
TESTING DEV 02/07/2021 9:36 p.m. tadeas 3 3
alignment_misalignment-like-data_v2 1213
Similar to alignment_misalignment-like-data_v1, but VXD sensors moved to constraints' reference system and extracted to get global misalignment of half-shells
TESTING DEV 07/08/2020 8:30 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment-like-data_v3 1217
like v2, but with z-shift 0.5mm added to all VXD half-shells and average dphi for CDC layers reset to zero
TESTING DEV 07/09/2020 10:03 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment-like-data_v4 1218
(fixed broken v3) like v2, but with z-shift 0.5mm added to all VXD half-shells and average dphi for CDC layers reset to zero
TESTING DEV 07/09/2020 10:13 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1 1742
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 6:53 p.m. tadeas 0 0
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v1 1743
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wire z-positions set to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 7:59 p.m. tadeas 2 2