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Detail for Payload "PXDDeadPixelPar rev.12569" (ID:557658)

ID Name Rev. Checksum Default? Deleted Status Inserted Modified I0V:GT,Exp.Start,Run.Start,Exp.End,Run.End
557658 PXDDeadPixelPar 12569 6d23b5d651983faaf1c0b51786103a8e NEW 09/27/2023 10:39 p.m. 09/27/2023 10:39 p.m. user_takaham_pxd_exp28calibration
| 28,78,28,78 | 28,79,28,79 | 28,80,28,80 | 28,81,28,81 | 28,82,28,82 | 28,83,28,83 | 28,84,28,84 | 28,85,28,85 | 28,86,28,87 | 28,88,28,88 |

Found 1 "Global Tag Payload" items for the Payload "PXDDeadPixelPar rev.12569"