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Detail for Payload "CDCDedxInjectionTime rev.53" (ID:562373)

ID Name Rev. Checksum Default? Deleted Status Inserted Modified I0V:GT,Exp.Start,Run.Start,Exp.End,Run.End
562373 CDCDedxInjectionTime 53 5260bea095f08ae206e20f64141fc8f3 NEW 03/27/2024 8:47 p.m. 03/27/2024 8:47 p.m. data_proc16
| 12,1806,12,1815 |
| 12,1806,12,1815 |
| 12,1806,12,1815 |
| 12,1806,12,1815 |

Found 4 "Global Tag Payload" items for the Payload "CDCDedxInjectionTime rev.53"

ID Global Tag ID and Name Payload Name Inserted Modified # of IoVs
11308210 3158: data_proc16 CDCDedxInjectionTime 04/16/2024 10 a.m. 04/16/2024 10 a.m. 1
11270106 3286: data_proc16_chunk1_clone CDCDedxInjectionTime 04/15/2024 9:24 p.m. 04/15/2024 9:24 p.m. 1
10167716 3216: data_proc16_chunk1 CDCDedxInjectionTime 04/09/2024 9:34 p.m. 04/09/2024 9:34 p.m. 1
10156698 3246: temp_renu_cdcdedx_chunk1 CDCDedxInjectionTime 03/27/2024 8:49 p.m. 03/27/2024 8:49 p.m. 1