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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_cleaned_20220408 2404
Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT
VALIDATED DEV 04/08/2022 8:12 a.m. 04/08/2022 8:18 a.m. fpham 1220 75
staging_data_reprocessing_cdc 932
The global tag to stage the non-local calibrations for cdc
VALIDATED DEV 03/30/2020 7:37 a.m. 04/08/2020 2:18 p.m. tamponi 19 4
Test_GT_30March20_4 952
test empty gT
VALIDATED DEV 03/31/2020 6:50 p.m. 03/31/2020 6:54 p.m. jikumar 0 0
ECL_configuration_CloneAt220322_235951 1586
Payloads with ECL electronics configuration. Channel mapping, energy thresholds, attenuator coefficients and, potentially, values of several important registers.
VALIDATED DEV 03/23/2021 3:40 a.m. 03/23/2021 3:43 a.m. remnev 263 6
BeamE_calibration_proc11 1033
payloads for proc11
VALIDATED DEV 05/05/2020 4:58 a.m. 05/05/2020 5:08 a.m. niharika 10 1
hohmann_mva_testing 2380
tag to test uploading mva
VALIDATED DEV 03/20/2022 4:28 a.m. 03/20/2022 4:36 a.m. hohmann 4 4
mc_production_MC15rd_proc13_chunk4 2718
Tag for run-dependent MC production
VALIDATED DEV 10/18/2022 12:59 p.m. 11/11/2022 7:34 a.m. basf2 1068 4
cdc_bucket14_local_v1 1205
cdc local constants for bucket14
VALIDATED DEV 07/07/2020 12:29 a.m. 07/07/2020 12:31 a.m. uchida 1 1
cdc_bucket10_v1 1020
cdc constants for bucket10
VALIDATED DEV 05/01/2020 12:38 a.m. 05/16/2020 12:19 a.m. uchida 8 4
cdc_s-proc1_local_v1 1375
cdc local payload for s-proc1
VALIDATED DEV 10/27/2020 11:46 p.m. 10/27/2020 11:53 p.m. uchida 5 1
val_CDCdEdx_proc13_chunk1 2347
validation GT for proc13/chunk1 exp7-10 CDC dE/dx calibration
VALIDATED DEV 02/24/2022 4:09 a.m. 02/25/2022 3:40 a.m. jikumar 1524 6
cdc_bucket16_local_v1 1455
cdc local constatns for bucket16
VALIDATED DEV 12/09/2020 8:48 a.m. 12/09/2020 8:50 a.m. uchida 3 1
badwires_CDCdEdx_proc12_chunk2 1697
collection of bad wires for proc12 chunk2 dataset
VALIDATED DEV 05/14/2021 2:56 a.m. 05/14/2021 2:57 a.m. jikumar 6 1
main_tag_merge_test_1 2463
Globaltag used during the framework test
VALIDATED DEV 05/23/2022 10:26 a.m. 05/23/2022 10:35 a.m. depietro 6 1
master_2020-05-02 1021
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2020-04-28 Changes are collected in Pull request #6149, see
VALIDATED RELEASE 05/01/2020 10:17 a.m. 05/04/2020 7:04 a.m. tuppr_ware 369 331
nbarMVA 2863
nbarMVA weight file
VALIDATED DEV 01/19/2023 1:07 p.m. 01/19/2023 1:12 p.m. leonlin 1 1
main_tag_merge_test_2 2464
Globaltag used during the framework test
VALIDATED DEV 05/23/2022 10:26 a.m. 05/23/2022 10:35 a.m. depietro 5 1
mc_production_MC15rd_proc13_v1 2706
Tag for run-dependent MC production
RUNNING DEV 10/13/2022 4:52 p.m. 10/13/2022 4:52 p.m. basf2 14724 36
testing_runninggtupdate_running 1260
Test for running gt update script
RUNNING DEV 08/05/2020 11:51 a.m. 08/05/2020 11:55 a.m. ritter 5 4
backup_online_2020-10-10_release5.1_exp14_update 1355
This is the official GT operating online
RUNNING DEV 10/10/2020 9:34 a.m. 10/10/2020 9:44 a.m. chunhua 872 416
klm_efficiency_2019-09-05 695
Temporary GT to store payloads for KLMStripEfficiency --- 2019/09/05
RUNNING DEV 09/05/2019 1:39 p.m. 09/05/2019 1:44 p.m. depietro 16 1
Test_RunningGT 633
GT only for db tool testing only
RUNNING DEV 06/16/2019 3:35 a.m. 12/08/2019 2:24 a.m. jikumar 776 401
data_reprocessing_prompt 498
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
RUNNING RELEASE 01/19/2019 10:33 a.m. 06/29/2022 3:12 p.m. tamponi 84918 324
temp_gdujany_test_running 3235
running GT test
RUNNING DEV 03/14/2024 8:56 p.m. 03/14/2024 8:57 p.m. gdujany 0 0
online 523
This is the official GT operating online
RUNNING DEV 02/14/2019 9:13 a.m. 11/03/2020 9:04 a.m. chunhua 1404 549