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GlobalTag: 71 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
user_bilkat_alignment_pxd_mask_v1 3064
PXD masking from Maiko from runs up to 45, exp 28
TESTING DEV 09/24/2023 8:19 p.m. bilkat 33 3
user_bilkat_alignment_exp28_v1 3063
VXD+CDC alignment from B=0T cosmic data - preliminary, iteration 2
TESTING DEV 09/23/2023 10:34 p.m. bilkat 4 4
user_bilkat_alignment_magnet_off 3053
Magnetic field turned off (0T)
TESTING DEV 09/18/2023 3:19 p.m. bilkat 1 1
alignment_bucket36 2951
Prompt alignment for bucket36
TESTING DEV 05/19/2023 4:54 p.m. bilkat 62 2
alignment_test_b36_const 2878
bucket36, first block - then constant till end. For testing of future optimized timedep
TESTING DEV 02/04/2023 9:12 p.m. bilkat 3 3
alignment_s-proc4_bucket36ECL 2869
Alignment from bucket36 + ECL payloads fix
OPEN DEV 01/27/2023 11:30 p.m. bilkat 187 7
alignment_reset_MC 2810
Reset alignment payloads for VXD and CDC to exactly zeros for default ideal MC simulation
TESTING DEV 12/14/2022 12:42 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_proc13_chunk5 2641
Merged results of the reprocessings of the 7 individual buckets of chunk5. For bucket 20, about half of hadron events (total 2.8M instead of 3.8M entries) was used to workaround a crash in Millepede II (effect negligible).
TESTING DEV 08/14/2022 3:33 p.m. bilkat 1512 6
alignment_bucket36_stage2_manual 2620
Manualy created stage2 due to crash in software
TESTING DEV 07/27/2022 9:32 a.m. bilkat 186 6
alignment_bucket36_stage1 2619
Stage1 from airflow for manual update due to crashing stage2
TESTING DEV 07/27/2022 8:12 a.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_bucket19_stage1_with_CDC_deform_v1 2428
Stage1 for bucket19 test with artifically deformed CDC
TESTING DEV 05/02/2022 4:14 p.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_bucket19_prompt_with_CDC_deform_v1 2427
Recalculated prompt baseline alignment of bucket19 with artificially defomed CDC endplates
TESTING DEV 05/02/2022 2:34 p.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_bucket19_fix_BeamSpot 2124
Recalculated BeamSpot for Bucket15 alignment, which is recalculated again on top of data_reprocessing_prompt which show issues with this bucket - see #BIIPERF-175
TESTING DEV 11/18/2021 10:17 p.m. bilkat 135 1
alignment_bucket19_fix 2123
Bucket15 alignment is recalculated again on top of data_reprocessing_prompt which show issues with this bucket - see #BIIPERF-175
TESTING DEV 11/18/2021 8:34 p.m. bilkat 6 6
staging_online_bilkat_20211021-152505 2080
needed for reasonable online performance
OPEN DEV 10/21/2021 3:26 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_online_new2021c 2079
New baseline alignment for online GT and 2021c data. Created as average alignment in stage1 from s-proc2
TESTING DEV 10/21/2021 1:46 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_s-proc2_test3_stage2 1971
Bucket25 realigned for s-proc2 test -stage 2 with SVD ladders free
TESTING DEV 08/27/2021 4:14 p.m. bilkat 198 6
alignment_s-proc2_test2_stage2 1970
Bucket25 test for s-proc2 stage2 full baseline 1M per block
TESTING DEV 08/27/2021 2 p.m. bilkat 24 6
alignment_s-proc2_test1_stage2 1969
Realigned bucket25 as test for s-proc2 - stage2
TESTING DEV 08/27/2021 12:50 p.m. bilkat 240 6
alignment_s-proc2_test1_stage1 1968
Test of s-proc2 realignment for bucket25 - stage1
TESTING DEV 08/27/2021 9:06 a.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_sag2 1801
proc12 part14 stage1 with wire sagging - v2, sag up t L20
TESTING DEV 06/20/2021 1:20 a.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_sag 1800
proc12 part14 stage1 with wire sagging
TESTING DEV 06/19/2021 8:14 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_proc12stage1part14_lxtest1 1799
Test two-body decays
TESTING DEV 06/19/2021 7:02 a.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_noHemiCon 1793
Test of new alignment for part14 of proc12 stage1 NOT using hemisphere constraints for L55
TESTING DEV 06/17/2021 9:42 a.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_mc13bfix 1712
Added missing payloads to run cosmic simulation with MC13b prompt
TESTING DEV 05/25/2021 10:50 a.m. bilkat 2 2