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GlobalTag: 3524 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
BeamETest_exp10 1023
testing payload
TESTING DEV 05/02/2020 10:20 a.m. niharika 4 1
BeamE_exp10 1022
payloads for exp10
TESTING DEV 05/02/2020 5:24 a.m. niharika 4 1
master_2020-05-02 1021
Software Development and Testing Tag This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains payloads for the following intervals of validity: - exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3) - exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and additional background detectors - exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3) Previous global tag: master_2020-04-28 Changes are collected in Pull request #6149, see
VALIDATED RELEASE 05/04/2020 7:04 a.m. tuppr_ware 369 331
cdc_bucket10_v1 1020
cdc constants for bucket10
VALIDATED DEV 05/16/2020 12:19 a.m. uchida 8 4
dEdx_HadronConst_New 1019
testing new constants
TESTING DEV 04/30/2020 7:05 p.m. jikumar 3 3
dEdx_HadronConst_Old 1018
testing old constants
TESTING DEV 04/30/2020 7:05 p.m. jikumar 4 3
bucket9_local_top_ss 1017
Staging tag for the TOP local calibrations to be used in the prompt calibration
OPEN DEV 04/30/2020 5:08 p.m. tamponi 67 6
staging_local_klm_bucket9 1016
KLM channel status calibration tag
OPEN DEV 04/30/2020 1:07 p.m. zhai 312 9
a_goat_global_tag 1015
A goat Global Tag
OPEN DEV 04/30/2020 10:35 a.m. depietro 5 3
staging_master_gdujany_20200430-090155 1014
linked to PR Feature/BII-6476 2 tuning of svd latency simulation of BII-6476
OPEN DEV 04/30/2020 9:02 a.m. gdujany 3 3
ECL_creating_proc11 1013
GT to for ECL time calibs - combining several payloads.
OPEN DEV 04/29/2020 9:29 p.m. ehill 959 3
staging_master_hearty_20200428-161121 1012
improved covariance matices
OPEN DEV 04/28/2020 4:12 p.m. hearty 1 1
cdc_bucket9_v4 1011
cdc constants for bucket9 all, several strange xts are reset
TESTING DEV 05/02/2020 3:50 a.m. uchida 9 5
beaubia_CovmatrixCal 1010
Temporary GT to upload ECL Covariance Matrix calibraton payloads
TESTING DEV 04/02/2022 3:54 p.m. beaubia 1 1
staging_master_mmilesi_20200428-013809 1009
New ECL chargedPID payload for release-05
OPEN DEV 04/28/2020 1:38 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
ECL_pre_bucket9 1008
GT to for ECL time calibs with NO offset.
TESTING DEV 05/19/2020 10:05 p.m. ehill 1 1
svd_updateCalibrations_release05 1007
updated payloads for svd reconstruction for release/05
TESTING DEV 04/28/2020 5:09 p.m. casarosa 5 3
CDCdEdx_Proc11_to_Bucket9 1006
rebasing GT for bucket9 offline test
TESTING DEV 05/06/2020 11:07 p.m. jikumar 8 8
staging_master_jikumar_20200426-183346 1005
update to dedx hadron constants
TESTING DEV 04/26/2020 8:09 p.m. jikumar 3 3
cdc_bucket9_local 1004
cdc constants for bucket9 local calibration
OPEN DEV 04/26/2020 5:30 a.m. uchida 1 1
cdc_bucket9_v3 1003
cdc constants for bucket9 all periods
VALIDATED DEV 04/26/2020 4:51 a.m. uchida 9 5
test-clone-online-tmp 1002
test of clone online
OPEN DEV 04/25/2020 11:32 a.m. chunhua 819 409
staging_data_reprocessing_prompt_local_struct 1001
Staging tag for the struct payloads to be used in the prompt calibration
OPEN DEV 04/25/2020 9:31 a.m. tamponi 0 0
staging_data_reprocessing_prompt_local_magneticField 1000
Staging tag for the magnetic field map to be used in the prompt calibration
TESTING DEV 02/12/2021 10:58 a.m. tamponi 2 1
add_your_test_GT_here 999
empty GT for demistration purpose only
PUBLISHED DEV 04/25/2020 3:54 a.m. jikumar 0 0