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GlobalTag: 3204 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
alignment_proc12_chunk2_stage2 1667
Run-dep alignment each run (min 80k entries) using dimuons with IP constr(IP free) for chunk2 in proc12
TESTING DEV 05/07/2021 9:40 p.m. bilkat 676 2
user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned_noWires_IPfixed 3205
Same as user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned but with fixed wires (and IP)
TESTING DEV 02/16/2024 1:57 p.m. bilkat 6 6
user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticField_nominalAlignedWithJpsiTight 3210
As user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticField_nominalAligned. but using very tight width for júpsi mass in alignment
TESTING DEV 02/19/2024 1:21 p.m. bilkat 6 6
staging_online_bilkat_20201030-181233 1386
CR DQM histograms with residuals bad for exp14 -> realignment needed
OPEN DEV 10/30/2020 6:13 p.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_s-proc4_bucket36ECL 2869
Alignment from bucket36 + ECL payloads fix
OPEN DEV 01/27/2023 11:30 p.m. bilkat 187 7
alignment_bucket15_Aligned3 1531
As Aligned2Best but with IP-z free
TESTING DEV 02/14/2021 6:13 p.m. bilkat 9 9
user_bilkat_alignment_exp28_v2 3069
Alignment for exp28 with all PXD sensors ON, CO2 temp=-30deg
TESTING DEV 09/27/2023 4:43 p.m. bilkat 6 6
user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAlignedWithJpsi 3204
Same as user_bilkat_testWrongMagneticFieldAlignReco_nominalAligned, but also mass-constrained J/psi used for alignment - 50k B0 -> J/psi KS
TESTING DEV 02/16/2024 1:57 p.m. bilkat 6 6
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_noHemiCon 1793
Test of new alignment for part14 of proc12 stage1 NOT using hemisphere constraints for L55
TESTING DEV 06/17/2021 9:42 a.m. bilkat 2 2
alignment_bucket15_Aligned4 1534
As Aligned2Best but with IP-xyz free
TESTING DEV 02/15/2021 6:15 p.m. bilkat 9 9
alignment_mc13bfix 1712
Added missing payloads to run cosmic simulation with MC13b prompt
TESTING DEV 05/25/2021 10:50 a.m. bilkat 2 2
beamtest_vxd_april2017_rev1 270
VXD beam test 2017 - alignment
OPEN DEV 06/27/2017 12:26 p.m. bilkat 22 7
user_bodrov_kinkFinderParameters 3316
Testing GT for kinkFinder payloads
TESTING DEV 05/19/2024 3:44 a.m. bodrov 1 1
SmartBKG_GATGAP 2430
Well trained GATGAP neural network for FEI skim in B0 hadronic channel
TESTING DEV 05/09/2022 9:10 a.m. boyang.yu 1 1
GT_HLT_stage_Data-taking-online-2018-05-04 366
HLT staging archive for 2018-05-04
INVALID DEV 05/04/2018 2:41 a.m. bracko 1 1
GT_HLT_stage_Data-taking-online-2018-04-26 364
HLT staging archive for 2018-04-26
INVALID DEV 04/26/2018 6:58 a.m. bracko 26 12
GT_HLT_stage_Data-taking-online-2018-05-18 388
HLT staging archive for 2018-05-18
INVALID DEV 05/17/2018 4:49 p.m. bracko 1 1
tmp_modified_offline_calib_20180508 362
Obtained with download_#332 + upload
PUBLISHED DEV 05/08/2018 1:07 p.m. bracko 867 227
GT_gen_prod_004.01_Phase2 288
GT for conditions for Phase2
OPEN DEV 10/18/2017 2:09 p.m. bracko 0 0
GT_HLT_stage_Data-taking-online-2018-04-25 363
HLT staging archive for 2018-04-25
INVALID DEV 04/25/2018 4:09 p.m. bracko 84 14
Data_Taking_HLT-beforecleanup-2018-03-21 350
Running HLT bkp before cleanup; pylds 69585-67420 already removed
PUBLISHED DEV 04/25/2018 4:16 p.m. bracko 944 857
GT_HLT_stage_Data-taking-online-2018-03-09 336
HLT staging archive for 2018-03-09
INVALID DEV 03/22/2018 8:10 a.m. bracko 61 13
GT_gen_prod_004.31_release-01-02-00 349
Global tag for release-01-02-00
PUBLISHED RELEASE 04/25/2018 3:33 a.m. bracko 939 902
test_staging_mbracko 341
tag for tests - MBracko
OPEN DEV 03/09/2018 1:02 p.m. bracko 69 13
used_to_be_only_number_221 226
numbers only name. tag with that id exists.... Problem resolved through swagger. - MB
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 9:44 a.m. bracko 0 0