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GlobalTag: 3415 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
GT_gen_prod_002.09_prerelease-00-09-00b 264
Global tag for prerelease 9b - created from production
PUBLISHED RELEASE 02/09/2018 8:35 a.m. bracko 2013 1506
GT_cal_test_002.06_calibration_with_misalignment 263
GT for calibration studies with misaligned components
INVALID DEV 09/28/2017 12:39 p.m. bracko 0 0
GT_gen_prod_002.07_prerelease-00-09-00a 262
Global tag for prerelease 9 - created from production
PUBLISHED RELEASE 02/09/2018 8:18 a.m. bracko 2011 1504
261_COPY-OF_ECLDigitCalibrationMC 261 INVALID DEV 06/22/2017 4:19 a.m. TEST USER 2 2
260_COPY-OF_ECLDigitCalibrationMC 260 INVALID DEV 05/12/2018 3:52 p.m. TEST USER 2 2
259_COPY-OF_ECLDigitCalibrationMC 259 INVALID DEV 05/12/2018 3:52 p.m. TEST USER 2 2
258_COPY-OF_production 258 OPEN DEV 09/22/2016 5:16 p.m. TEST USER 2002 1499
257_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_002.05_build-2017-05-06 257
Global tag for May 17 build - created from production
OPEN RELEASE 05/17/2017 4:42 a.m. TEST USER 2002 1499
GT_gen_prod_002.05_build-2017-05-06 256
Global tag for May 17 build - created from production
PUBLISHED RELEASE 05/17/2017 4:42 a.m. TEST USER 2002 1499
test_rachac 255
test upload
OPEN DEV 05/10/2017 6:49 p.m. rachac 171 171
test_uploads 254
test upload
OPEN DEV 06/15/2018 3:51 p.m. bracko 7 3
test_CDCLayerAlignment_in_caf 253
Test misaligned global tag for CDCLayerAlignment
OPEN DEV 04/29/2017 4:11 p.m. bilkat 1 1
top_channelmask_test 252
testing the top channel mask
OPEN DEV 04/12/2017 8:39 p.m. scunliff 1 1
test_merola 250
test to upload FEI weight files
OPEN DEV 04/07/2017 2:22 p.m. merola 512 172
249_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_001.99_release-00-08-00 249
Global tag for release 8 - created from production
OPEN RELEASE 01/11/2017 5:02 p.m. TEST USER 1920 1448
248_COPY-OF_production 248 INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 2:13 p.m. TEST USER 2001 1498
247_COPY-OF_production 247 INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 2:13 p.m. TEST USER 2001 1498
246_COPY-OF_production 246 OPEN DEV 09/22/2016 5:16 p.m. TEST USER 2001 1498
GT_gen_prod_002.01_build-2017-03-06 240
Global tag for March 17 build - created from production
PUBLISHED DEV 03/16/2017 5:30 p.m. TEST USER 1998 1498
234_COPY-OF_leps2013_InitialTest_GlobalTag 234
Test global tag for LEPS 2013 iTOP test beam.
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 12:23 p.m. TEST USER 0 0
233_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_001.99_release-00-08-00 233
Global tag for release 8 - created from production
OPEN RELEASE 01/11/2017 5:02 p.m. TEST USER 1920 1448
232_COPY-OF_GT_gen_prod_001.99_release-00-08-00 232
Global tag for release 8 - created from production
OPEN RELEASE 01/11/2017 5:02 p.m. TEST USER 1920 1448
specialchars 230
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 10:11 a.m. cfooEfoo 0 0
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 9:46 a.m. pulverm 0 0
used_to_be_only_number_221 226
numbers only name. tag with that id exists.... Problem resolved through swagger. - MB
INVALID DEV 04/24/2018 9:44 a.m. bracko 0 0