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GlobalTag: 3212 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
staging_online_taichiro_20210326-202616 1599
update of bit menu
OPEN DEV 03/26/2021 8:28 p.m. taichiro 6 6
staging_online_dvthanh_20211201-173130 2155
Update new calibrated parameters
OPEN DEV 12/01/2021 5:32 p.m. dvthanh 4 4
staging_analysis_yutan_20210226-130316 1553
update nbarID
TESTING DEV 05/10/2021 3:40 p.m. yutan 1 1
staging_main_hearty_20221017-095844 2711
update main to current HLT configuration
OPEN DEV 10/17/2022 9:59 a.m. hearty 108 108
staging_validation_taichiro_20200310-033141 906
update iov of CDCTRG2D payloads
OPEN DEV 03/10/2020 3:31 a.m. taichiro 1 1
staging_online_taichiro_20201101-170855 1387
update gdl bitmap
OPEN DEV 11/01/2020 5:09 p.m. taichiro 6 6
user_fmegg_online_staging_1 3313
update for the online gt, see issue 10512
OPEN DEV 05/16/2024 9:45 p.m. fmegg 1 1
staging_master_gdujany_20201014-131954 1364
update for release 5
OPEN DEV 10/14/2020 1:19 p.m. gdujany 1 1
staging_online_taichiro_20201008-125940 1348
update for online
OPEN DEV 10/08/2020 12:59 p.m. taichiro 6 6
staging_mc_taichiro_20201008-141623 1350
update for MC14b TRGGDL rundependent payloads
OPEN DEV 10/08/2020 2:16 p.m. taichiro 79 6
staging_mc_taichiro_20201008-143233 1351
update for MC13a TRGGDL runindependent payload
OPEN DEV 10/08/2020 2:32 p.m. taichiro 6 6
staging_main_gpinna_20220304-110318 2363
update exp 0 filling pattern BII-9214
OPEN DEV 03/04/2022 11:04 a.m. gpinna 1 1
staging_data_hearty_20190406-001308 575
update electronics calibrations; 5mm shift in ECL endcap
OPEN DEV 04/06/2019 12:13 a.m. czhearty 3 3
staging_online_hearty_20211014-184930 2073
update electronics calibration for new run period
OPEN DEV 10/14/2021 6:49 p.m. hearty 2 2
staging_online_remnev_20201014-062420 1362
Update ECL energy thresholds for use in ECL DQM
OPEN DEV 10/14/2020 6:24 a.m. remnev 1 1
temp_remnev_online_ECLDspData_2024.04.16 3294
Update ECL DSP coefficients to improve waveform fit quality
OPEN DEV 04/16/2024 2:20 a.m. remnev 3 3
staging_main_hearty_20210922-201318 2020
updated with mc14ri
OPEN DEV 09/22/2021 8:13 p.m. hearty 1 1
staging_master_casarosa_20191111-143711 776
updated value of SVD noise in the simulation
OPEN DEV 11/11/2019 2:37 p.m. casarosa 1 1
staging_online_jikumar_20201009-033742 1353
updated value in payload
OPEN DEV 10/09/2020 3:38 a.m. jikumar 1 1
CDC_modifiedT0_2021Set29 2055
updated T0 payloads without negative T0
TESTING DEV 10/06/2021 1:16 p.m. eberthol 26 1
staging_master_tlueck_20210908-114843 1991
updated SVD reconstruction made an update for the Sectormaps necessary
OPEN DEV 09/08/2021 11:49 a.m. tlueck 2 1
SVD_dEdxPayload 1052
Updated SVD dE/dx for PID( protonn, kaon and pion
PUBLISHED DEV 07/21/2020 12:58 p.m. sagar 2 1
SVD_dEdxPayloads_Only 756
Updated SVD dE/dx for PID
PUBLISHED DEV 12/17/2019 2:39 p.m. jikumar 1 1
temp_online_remnev_20220601-085428 2490
Update DSP coefficients in ECL DQM to be consistent with ECL electronics.
OPEN DEV 06/01/2022 8:54 a.m. remnev 3 3
staging_data_tlueck_20210916-112115 2011
updated Sectormap due to changes in the SVD reconstruction
OPEN DEV 09/16/2021 11:21 a.m. tlueck 1 1