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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
alignment_bucket25prompt_resetWires 1964
CDCAlignment from data_reprocessing_prompt bucet25 with wire alignment reset to zeros
TESTING DEV 08/26/2021 12:54 p.m. 08/26/2021 12:58 p.m. tadeas 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_IPZup 2290
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:03 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:03 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
AIRFLOW_data_staging_localcalib_sproc2 1960
Staging payload for s-proc2 local calibration
TESTING DEV 08/24/2021 7:39 a.m. 08/31/2021 4:45 p.m. fpham 7 7
top_staging_bucket20_local 1736
Staging Gt for the top local calib in bucket 20
TESTING DEV 05/30/2021 3:32 p.m. 05/30/2021 3:40 p.m. skohani 3 3
alignment_proc12stage1_part14_R53 1850
Proc12 stage1 for part14, only L53 radius
TESTING DEV 06/24/2021 11:49 a.m. 06/24/2021 11:49 a.m. tadeas 2 2
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_IPZdn 2291
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:03 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeXup 2292
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeXdn 2293
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:04 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
upgrade_2020-07-14_vtx_7layer_TEST2 1907
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 7 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 07/14/2021 2:19 p.m. 07/14/2021 2:20 p.m. benni 19 10
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeYup 2294
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:05 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:05 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
leptonid_EPS2021_Official_rel5_v2 1941
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95), likelihood LID only
TESTING DEV 08/04/2021 6:32 a.m. 08/04/2021 6:34 a.m. mmilesi 30 30
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_sproc2 1961
Staging payload for s-proc2 data calibration
TESTING DEV 08/24/2021 7:40 a.m. 09/16/2021 2:03 a.m. fpham 2186 53
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeYdn 2295
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:05 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:05 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeZup 2296
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:05 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:06 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
charm_misalignment_v1_BeamSpot 2027
Beam Spot payload for charm_misalignment_v1 misalignment GT
TESTING DEV 09/27/2021 9:07 a.m. 10/01/2021 11:26 a.m. zlebcr 1 1
val_CDCdEdx_proc12_chunk2_set1 1730
validation GT of proc12 chunk2 set1 runs 0-2800
TESTING DEV 05/30/2021 1:03 a.m. 05/30/2021 8:56 p.m. jikumar 480 3
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_sizeZdn 2297
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:06 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:06 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thXZup 2298
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:06 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:07 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
top_staging_bucket20_BS_Masking_local 1738
Staging Gt for TOP offline BS Masking in bucket20
TESTING DEV 06/02/2021 3:08 a.m. 06/02/2021 3:21 a.m. skohani 102 1
alignment_test_proc12chunk2part14_withL3 1739
Alternative alignment for part14 of chunk2 with L3 sensors run dependent
TESTING DEV 06/02/2021 11:55 a.m. 06/02/2021 12:01 p.m. tadeas 498 6
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thXZdn 2299
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:07 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:07 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1 1742
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 6:52 p.m. 06/03/2021 6:53 p.m. tadeas 0 0
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v1 1743
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wire z-positions set to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 7:58 p.m. 06/03/2021 7:59 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v2 1744
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wires reset to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 9:25 p.m. 06/03/2021 9:26 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v3 1745
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v1 - with wires reset to zero; ladders reset to zero
TESTING DEV 06/03/2021 11:29 p.m. 06/03/2021 11:30 p.m. tadeas 2 2