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GlobalTag: 3416 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
test_0.6.11.6 1565
OPEN DEV 03/11/2021 4 p.m. cgamboa 0 0
staging_online_remnev_20210310-073208 1564
Replacement of ShaperDSP board 12 in ECL crate 19
OPEN DEV 03/10/2021 7:32 a.m. remnev 1 1
svd_testNoiseInADC 1563
different noise in ADC for simulation and reconstruction
TESTING DEV 03/08/2021 6:57 p.m. casarosa 1 1
alignment_proc12_stage1_v1 1562
Full global alignment performed in blocks and adjusted to fix payload issues - version 2 with one mess payload divison
TESTING DEV 05/02/2021 1:06 p.m. tadeas 22 2
staging_online_hearty_20210306-163704 1561
add filter for poisson trigger
OPEN DEV 03/06/2021 4:38 p.m. hearty 2 2
alignment_proc12_stage1 1560
Full global alignment performed in blocks and adjusted to fix payload issues
TESTING DEV 05/02/2021 12:52 p.m. tadeas 24 2
hlt_filters_exp16 1559
HLT filters and prescales for experiment 16 Spring 2021
TESTING DEV 03/04/2021 10:42 p.m. czhearty 101 101
staging_online_fmegg_20210303-114132 1558
new network weights for STT
OPEN DEV 03/03/2021 11:41 a.m. fmegg 1 1
alignment_proc12_baselineCDCAlignment_resetWires 1557
Payloads extracted and cleaned up from data_reprocessing_proc12_baseline_00 - wire positions in xb,yb,xf,yf reset to 0 for realignment
TESTING DEV 03/03/2021 1:48 a.m. tadeas 15 1
cdc_proc12_chunk1_test 1556
testing of cdc payloads for proc12 chunk1
TESTING DEV 03/02/2021 9:16 a.m. eberthol 4 4
Stores essential BDT weights for the had. tagged B->Xtaunu analysis
TESTING DEV 10/11/2021 11:15 a.m. hjunker 6 6
New BDT tag
OPEN DEV 03/01/2021 6:02 p.m. hjunker 0 0
staging_analysis_yutan_20210226-130316 1553
update nbarID
TESTING DEV 05/10/2021 3:40 p.m. yutan 1 1
staging_online_hearty_20210226-063958 1552
new DSP coefficients
OPEN DEV 02/26/2021 6:40 a.m. hearty 2 2
PXDBackgroundGenerator 1551
Checkpoints for the PXD background generator models
TESTING DEV 03/09/2021 2:33 a.m. srebre 4 4
reco_patch_rel05_proc12_topTests 1550
global tag to store all the payloads needed for recalibration of exp12, runs5888-6427 with rel05 (s-proc1)
TESTING DEV 02/25/2021 8:18 a.m. zani 32 32
pxd_background_generator 1549
Weights for the PXD background generator models
OPEN DEV 02/26/2021 5:07 a.m. srebre 4 2
badwires_CDCdEdx_proc12_chunk1 1548
collection of bad wires for proc12 chunk1 data and previous GT name CDCdEdx_BadWiresGT
PUBLISHED DEV 05/14/2021 2:55 a.m. jikumar 4 2
staging_online_remnev_20210223-015831 1547
Update of coefficients with new covariance matrices
OPEN DEV 02/23/2021 1:58 a.m. remnev 3 3
ThomasTag 1546
Tag for testing
TESTING DEV 02/22/2021 8:56 p.m. tlueck 3 3
staging_online_hearty_20210221-185333 1545
new HLT lines for 2021a
OPEN DEV 02/21/2021 6:54 p.m. hearty 5 5
staging_online_gaedema7_20210219-174936 1544
Enables two HLT skim flags, whose code is in release/05-01 branch and which target release-05-01-14 for 2021a data taking period
OPEN DEV 02/19/2021 5:51 p.m. gaedema7 3 3
staging_master_gaedema7_20210219-172156 1543
Enables two new HLT skim flags, see BII-7865 and BII-7627
OPEN DEV 02/19/2021 5:22 p.m. gaedema7 3 3
mc_production_MC14b_proc12 1542
MC tag for payloads needed for MC14b that are not in the data_reprocessing tag
OPEN RELEASE 02/19/2021 1:27 p.m. jbennett 0 0
staging_online_taichiro_20210218-185722 1541 OPEN DEV 02/18/2021 6:59 p.m. taichiro 6 6