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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
staging_eclchargedpid_release-04-01-05 959
Payloads for charge-dependent ECL charged PID (E/p based) from particle gun samples generated in r04-01-5, w/ nominal PhaseIII BGx1
TESTING DEV 04/08/2020 3:22 a.m. 04/08/2020 3:24 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
svd_svdHitTimeSelection_test 889
test GT to optmizie cut on time difference of U and V cluster in SP creation
TESTING DEV 02/28/2020 5:48 p.m. 03/24/2020 5:46 p.m. casarosa 11 1
alignment_stage0_proc10_block-7-2734-8-349 749
Initial pre-alignment from zeros for proc10 for VXD + CDC (layers)
TESTING DEV 10/19/2019 9:44 a.m. 10/19/2019 9:58 a.m. tadeas 10 9
gdujany_BIISVD-175 729
GT containing the modified versions of the payloads mentioned in BIISVD-175 where m_uniqueID is filled
TESTING DEV 10/04/2019 8:29 a.m. 11/11/2019 3:31 p.m. gdujany 3 3
bilka_CDCCalibrationsB0exp8_rel4_patch 703
Tag with fixed CDC calibrations for exp 8 B0 data - from run 3463
TESTING DEV 09/12/2019 12:51 p.m. 09/12/2019 2:12 p.m. bilkat 4 4
newpayload-test-online 872
test online by adding a new payload
TESTING DEV 02/12/2020 8:22 a.m. 02/12/2020 9:04 a.m. chunhua 777 401
upgrade_2020-02-23_vtx_5layer 885
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 02/23/2020 6:26 p.m. 02/23/2020 6:27 p.m. benni 2 2
upgrade_2020-02-14_vtx_7layer 878
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 7 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 02/14/2020 9:44 a.m. 02/14/2020 9:47 a.m. benni 3 3
online-test-20200408-3 964
tmp gt for test
TESTING DEV 04/08/2020 4:37 p.m. 04/08/2020 4:41 p.m. chunhua 817 409
top_basic_reconstruction_rel-03-01 590
basic payloads needed to run the reconstruction of local runs
TESTING DEV 04/25/2019 9:47 a.m. 12/10/2019 6:34 a.m. tamponi 289 289
alignment_2019c_v3_from3507 853
IP+VXD+CDC alignment, IP+halfshells run-by-run(large runs), sensors+CDClayers once, from run 3507 to run 5896, but last IoVs left open
TESTING DEV 01/13/2020 5:42 p.m. 01/13/2020 5:51 p.m. tadeas 165 3
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20191219-041101 842
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 12/19/2019 4:11 a.m. 12/19/2019 4:11 a.m. chunhua 776 401
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20191207-012117 819
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 12/07/2019 1:16 a.m. 12/07/2019 1:44 a.m. ddossett 776 401
mc_nominal_beam_config_Y6S 789
Nominal beam-related payloads to generate and reconstruct Y(6S) Montecarlo
TESTING RELEASE 11/15/2019 4:32 p.m. 11/18/2019 4:09 p.m. tamponi 4 4
mc_production_MC13b 758
Dedicated GT for run-dependent samples in MC13
TESTING DEV 10/31/2019 8:41 p.m. 12/19/2019 7:23 p.m. jbennett 27 21
alignment_reset_CDC 736
This GT contains CDC alignment reset to zeros (layers and wires x,y) and z-positions of wires inherited from older payloads(from survey)
TESTING DEV 10/08/2019 7:15 p.m. 10/08/2019 7:17 p.m. tadeas 1 1
clone-staging_online-20190930-chunhua-tmp 722
all update payloads for online should be upload to this GT
TESTING DEV 09/30/2019 8 a.m. 09/30/2019 8:03 a.m. chunhua 23 16
validation_release-04-00-00 710
For validating release-04 with reconstruction status using cosmic and physics data files
TESTING DEV 09/25/2019 2:23 a.m. 09/30/2019 3:06 a.m. jikumar 306 209
staging_data_reprocessing 553
Staging global tag for the major reprocessings
TESTING DEV 03/11/2019 6:17 a.m. 05/11/2021 4:17 p.m. tamponi 32 31
gdujany_MagneticField 573
Global tag containing the payloads generated from configuring xml file used to configure FADC and run in global mode
TESTING DEV 04/05/2019 2:45 p.m. 11/02/2019 3:14 p.m. gdujany 1 1
staging_rel4_patch 690
staging GT and contain only additional payload required for the release 04 reconstruction compatibility
TESTING RELEASE 08/26/2019 6:09 p.m. 10/01/2019 2:16 a.m. jikumar 1 1
cdc_exp8 873
TESTING DEV 02/12/2020 11:09 a.m. 02/19/2020 5:45 a.m. uchida 4 4
alignment_2019c_v1 763
First attempt to align exp10 VXD + CDC layers + IP. Using Bon cosmics 3431,3432 + physics 3398 (all exp10)
TESTING DEV 11/04/2019 9:02 a.m. 11/04/2019 9:03 a.m. bilkat 0 0
svd_onlySVDinGeoConfiguration 594
GeoConfiguration only contains SVD in the geometry. TO be used for SVD sw development debugging
TESTING DEV 04/27/2019 12:09 a.m. 09/04/2019 4:02 p.m. casarosa 1 1
svd_LS1_Ladder2345MaskedOnL3 2730
GT contaning SVDFADCMaskedStrips payload with Ladder2345MaskedOnL3
TESTING DEV 11/02/2022 3:06 p.m. 11/02/2022 3:10 p.m. jrehman 1 1