Name | ID | Default? | Description | Status | Type | Inserted | Modified | Mod. by | Total Payloads | Distinct Payloads |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp26_bucket35_STAGING | 2646 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
TESTING | DEV | 08/15/2022 11:49 a.m. | 09/12/2022 2:25 p.m. | basf2 | 362 | 9 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp25_bucket34 | 2645 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
PUBLISHED | DEV | 08/15/2022 11:44 a.m. | 11/09/2022 11:23 a.m. | basf2 | 185 | 34 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp25_bucket34_STAGING | 2644 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
TESTING | DEV | 08/15/2022 11:44 a.m. | 09/08/2022 2:03 p.m. | basf2 | 157 | 6 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp24_bucket33 | 2643 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
PUBLISHED | DEV | 08/15/2022 11:39 a.m. | 11/09/2022 11:23 a.m. | basf2 | 172 | 34 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp24_bucket33_STAGING | 2642 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
TESTING | DEV | 08/15/2022 11:38 a.m. | 09/02/2022 12:58 a.m. | basf2 | 144 | 6 |
alignment_proc13_chunk5 | 2641 | ✘ | Merged results of the reprocessings of the 7 individual buckets of chunk5. For bucket 20, about half of hadron events (total 2.8M instead of 3.8M entries) was used to workaround a crash in Millepede II (effect negligible). |
TESTING | DEV | 08/14/2022 3:09 p.m. | 08/14/2022 3:33 p.m. | bilkat | 1512 | 6 |
temp_analysis_sutclw_20220811-143526 | 2640 | ✘ | FEI weights for MC15 training |
OPEN | DEV | 08/11/2022 2:35 p.m. | 08/11/2022 2:35 p.m. | sutclw | 241 | 241 |
temp_analysis_sutclw_20220811-143031 | 2639 | ✘ | new MC15 ligt-2205-abys FEI training |
OPEN | DEV | 08/11/2022 2:30 p.m. | 08/11/2022 2:30 p.m. | sutclw | 241 | 241 |
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6_NewMaskNaNs_missingLogL_QuaternaryPID | 2638 | ✘ | Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables. Added mssingLogL_D for each detector in the (multiclass) training. Use quaternary PID (e,mu,pi,K) as per-detector input variables for multiclass training. |
OPEN | DEV | 08/11/2022 5:43 a.m. | 10/09/2022 11:12 p.m. | mmilesi | 4 | 4 |
ft_hbpipi_mva | 2637 | ✘ | weightfile for BDTClassifier tracks selection for hbpipi analysis |
TESTING | DEV | 08/10/2022 2:34 p.m. | 08/10/2022 2:40 p.m. | ftesta | 3 | 3 |
mc_production_CDCTrigger_exp24_26 | 2636 | ✘ | GT needed for MC15rd, including proper CDCTRG deadchannel corresponding to exp24-26 |
TESTING | DEV | 08/09/2022 8:06 a.m. | 08/09/2022 8:14 a.m. | amartini | 38 | 1 |
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6_NewMaskNaNs_missingLogL | 2635 | ✘ | Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables. Added mssingLogL_D for each detector in the (multiclass) training. |
OPEN | DEV | 08/04/2022 9:41 p.m. | 10/13/2022 5:12 a.m. | mmilesi | 4 | 4 |
svd_raw_calib_bucket35 | 2634 | ✘ | GT containing the payloads of the SVD raw calibrations of bucket 35, see https://agira.desy.de/browse/BIIDP-5831 for more infos |
TESTING | DEV | 08/03/2022 6:40 p.m. | 01/16/2024 3:29 p.m. | gdujany | 70 | 3 |
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20220802 | 2633 | ✘ | Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT |
OPEN | DEV | 08/02/2022 1:44 p.m. | 08/02/2022 1:44 p.m. | fpham | 2647 | 54 |
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20220802 | 2632 | ✔ | running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing |
OPEN | RELEASE | 08/02/2022 1:41 p.m. | 08/02/2022 1:43 p.m. | tamponi | 82282 | 324 |
chargedpidmva_Jul2022_ChargeDep_rel6_NewMaskNaNs | 2631 | ✘ | Charged PID MVA (BDTG) payloads - release 6 training, q-dependent, payloads w/o PSD info. Includes SVD. Revised masking for NaNs in PID variables. |
OPEN | DEV | 08/02/2022 11:36 a.m. | 10/09/2022 11:11 p.m. | mmilesi | 8 | 4 |
val_CDCdEdx_bucket36 | 2630 | ✘ | validation GT for bucket36 (26/1410-1968) CDC dE/dx calibration |
TESTING | DEV | 07/30/2022 11:40 a.m. | 08/02/2022 1:39 a.m. | jkumar | 280 | 6 |
analysis_b2bii | 2629 | ✘ | Global tag for B2BII analysis. |
TESTING | RELEASE | 07/29/2022 8:03 p.m. | 11/30/2023 1 p.m. | capid | 6 | 5 |
mc14ri_-8MeV_BeamParams | 2628 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 4:04 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:34 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |
mc14ri_8MeV_BeamParams | 2627 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 4:04 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:33 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |
mc14ri_4MeV_BeamParams | 2626 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 3:40 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:33 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |
mc14ri_2MeV_BeamParams | 2625 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 3:40 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:33 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |
mc14ri_0MeV_BeamParams | 2624 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 3:40 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:32 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |
mc14ri_-2MeV_BeamParams | 2623 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 3:39 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:34 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |
mc14ri_-4MeV_BeamParams | 2622 | ✘ | Includes Ecms variation wrt nominal MC14 invariant energy, boost is kept constant |
TESTING | DEV | 07/28/2022 3:39 p.m. | 11/09/2022 1:34 p.m. | zlebcr | 4 | 4 |