Name | ID | Default? | Description | Status | Type | Inserted | Modified | Mod. by | Total Payloads | Distinct Payloads |
bunch_structure_bucket36 | 2596 | ✘ | GT with bunch structure payload for exp26 bucket36 |
OPEN | DEV | 07/15/2022 8:38 a.m. | 07/15/2022 8:38 a.m. | gpinna | 4 | 1 |
cdc_bucket36_badwires_fix | 2595 | ✘ | preliminary bad wire list for bucket36 |
OPEN | DEV | 07/14/2022 3:43 p.m. | 07/14/2022 3:43 p.m. | hsvidras | 7 | 1 |
AIRFLOW_data_staging_localcalib_reprocessing_proc13chunk4 | 2594 | ✘ | Used to store the local calibration payloads for reprocessings |
OPEN | DEV | 07/14/2022 1:13 p.m. | 07/14/2022 1:13 p.m. | fpham | 23 | 16 |
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_reprocessing_proc13chunk4 | 2593 | ✘ | The staging tag used by Airflow for the reprocessing of data |
OPEN | DEV | 07/14/2022 1:07 p.m. | 07/14/2022 1:07 p.m. | fpham | 2563 | 48 |
data_reprocessing_proc13_baseline_00_snapshotAt20220714 | 2592 | ✘ | baseline tag for the first chunk of proc13. Created as the merging of ( highest prioriy first): highest_prior_forproc13, dp_recon_release6_patch, aux_proc12_forProc13_base, data_reprocessing_prompt |
OPEN | DEV | 07/14/2022 12:31 p.m. | 07/14/2022 12:32 p.m. | zani | 44486 | 261 |
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_reprocessing_proc13chunk4 | 2591 | ✘ | Used to store all the validated payloads for reprocessings |
TESTING | DEV | 07/14/2022 12:28 p.m. | 07/14/2022 1:11 p.m. | fpham | 2563 | 48 |
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_snapshotAt20220714 | 2590 | ✘ | Staging GT for holding the Active Payloads from each calibration before merge into final GT |
TESTING | DEV | 07/14/2022 11:28 a.m. | 07/14/2022 11:44 a.m. | fpham | 4966 | 58 |
data_reprocessing_prompt_snapshotAt20220714 | 2589 | ✔ | running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing |
OPEN | RELEASE | 07/14/2022 9:31 a.m. | 07/14/2022 9:33 a.m. | tamponi | 77329 | 324 |
val_CDCdEdx_bucket35 | 2588 | ✘ | validation GT for bucket35 (26/33-1409) CDC dE/dx calibration |
TESTING | DEV | 07/10/2022 1:23 p.m. | 07/11/2022 4:10 p.m. | jkumar | 605 | 5 |
val_CDCdEdx_proc13_chunk4 | 2587 | ✘ | validation GT of proc13 chunk4 exp16 and 17 all runs CDC dE/dx calibration |
TESTING | DEV | 07/09/2022 3:08 p.m. | 07/11/2022 5 a.m. | jikumar | 351 | 6 |
top_staging_proc13chunk4_posttracking | 2586 | ✘ | Staging Gt for TOP proc13chunk4 post-tracking calibration |
TESTING | DEV | 07/09/2022 7:38 a.m. | 07/09/2022 7:48 a.m. | skohani | 322 | 3 |
temp_main_tlueck_20220706-130131 | 2585 | ✘ | SVD reconstruction changed which required a retraining of the SectorMaps |
OPEN | DEV | 07/06/2022 1:02 p.m. | 07/06/2022 1:02 p.m. | tlueck | 2 | 1 |
alignment_bucket35 | 2584 | ✘ | Airflow bucket35 |
TESTING | DEV | 07/06/2022 7:34 a.m. | 07/06/2022 7:38 a.m. | tadeas | 300 | 6 |
main_2022-07-05 | 2583 | ✘ | Software Development and Testing Tag
This global tag containing necessary payloads for testing of the software and
experiment independent MC. It cannot be used to analyze data and only contains
payloads for the following intervals of validity:
- exp 0: nominal Belle II Configuration with full PXD (full phase 3)
- exp 1002: Phase 2 Configuration with minimal vertexing detectors and
additional background detectors
- exp 1003: Belle II Configuration with partial PXD (early phase 3)
Previous global tag: main_2022-06-27
Changes are collected in Pull request #1146, see https://stash.desy.de/projects/B2/repos/basf2/pull-requests/1146 |
PUBLISHED | RELEASE | 07/05/2022 8:27 a.m. | 10/08/2022 9:32 a.m. | tuppr_ware | 419 | 377 |
beamEnergy_bucket26-29_prompt | 2582 | ✘ | Payloads with Ecms for bucket26 - bucket29 |
OPEN | DEV | 07/05/2022 7:24 a.m. | 07/05/2022 7:24 a.m. | zlebcr | 54 | 1 |
temp_main_hitoshi_20220705-044259 | 2581 | ✘ | to adjust the thresholds in cdcdigitizer |
OPEN | DEV | 07/05/2022 4:44 a.m. | 07/05/2022 4:44 a.m. | hitoshi | 1 | 1 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp24_bucket32 | 2580 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
PUBLISHED | DEV | 07/04/2022 8:07 a.m. | 11/09/2022 11:22 a.m. | basf2 | 159 | 34 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp24_bucket32_STAGING | 2579 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
TESTING | DEV | 07/04/2022 8:06 a.m. | 09/02/2022 12:47 a.m. | basf2 | 132 | 7 |
temp_main_hohmann_20220704-072112 | 2578 | ✘ | This payload contains trained weightfiles for the ECLChargedPIDMVA module. This module will replace the EClChargedPID module for charged pid in the ecl. |
TESTING | DEV | 07/04/2022 7:21 a.m. | 07/22/2022 11:50 a.m. | hohmann | 1 | 1 |
alignment_proc13_chunk4_v2 | 2577 | ✘ | alignment for b17 and b18 done separately on Airflow and manually merged - fixed |
TESTING | DEV | 06/30/2022 4:03 p.m. | 06/30/2022 4:08 p.m. | tadeas | 486 | 6 |
alignment_proc13_chunk4 | 2576 | ✘ | alignment for b17 and b18 done separately on Airflow and manually merged |
OPEN | DEV | 06/30/2022 3:41 p.m. | 06/30/2022 3:41 p.m. | tadeas | 480 | 6 |
cdc_bucket35_badwires_fix | 2575 | ✘ | preliminary bad wire list for bucket35, fix iov problem in last tag |
OPEN | DEV | 06/30/2022 8:48 a.m. | 06/30/2022 8:48 a.m. | hsvidras | 11 | 1 |
cdc_bucket35_badwires | 2574 | ✘ | preliminary bad wire list for bucket35 |
OPEN | DEV | 06/30/2022 8:33 a.m. | 06/30/2022 8:33 a.m. | hsvidras | 11 | 1 |
staging_data_reprocessing_proc13_chunk3_update | 2573 | ✘ | staging tag to upload all the merged payalods to copy into the proc13 official tag for chunk3 (exp14) update |
TESTING | DEV | 06/30/2022 7:23 a.m. | 06/30/2022 7:34 a.m. | zani | 3940 | 262 |
data_reprocessing_proc13_snapshotAt20220630 | 2572 | ✘ | final GT for the data recalibration with rel-06-00 for the 13th major reprocessing. Started Jan 2022 |
TESTING | DEV | 06/30/2022 7:21 a.m. | 06/30/2022 8:23 a.m. | zani | 31522 | 262 |