Name | ID | Default? | Description | Status | Type | Inserted | Modified | Mod. by | Total Payloads | Distinct Payloads |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp22_bucket30 | 2496 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
TESTING | DEV | 06/06/2022 6:24 a.m. | 09/24/2022 3:43 p.m. | basf2 | 0 | 0 |
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp22_bucket30_STAGING | 2495 | ✘ | Tag for run-dependent MC production |
TESTING | DEV | 06/06/2022 6:23 a.m. | 06/06/2022 6:23 a.m. | basf2 | 0 | 0 |
alignment_proc13_chunk3 | 2494 | ✘ | proc13 chunk3 manually merged bucket16 and 16b done separately |
TESTING | DEV | 06/05/2022 7:42 p.m. | 06/05/2022 8:16 p.m. | tadeas | 366 | 6 |
svd_data_rel7 | 2493 | ✘ | New or changing SVD paylods data with rel7 |
TESTING | DEV | 06/03/2022 12:23 p.m. | 06/21/2022 10:06 a.m. | gdujany | 5 | 5 |
beam_bg_sim_20211220_early-phase3_belle2-beast2_farbeamline_run-dependent_exp22_run0624-0633_NewIpBeamPipeParts | 2492 | ✘ | Early Phase3 Belle II + Beast II within the IR+FarBeamline (|s|<26m). Geometry payloads for the beam-induced background simulation. The FarBeamline geometry is improved (Feb 2022). It requires some modifications of the Belle II sub-system settings (study). The Beast II system is not present in DB, so its geometry is built from the XML file. This GT can be used for the run-dependent MC sample production. exp/run = 22/0624-0633. New IP beam pipe parts. |
TESTING | DEV | 06/03/2022 2:29 a.m. | 06/03/2022 2:32 a.m. | anatochi | 19 | 19 |
staging_online_hearty_20220602-111506 | 2491 | ✘ | corrects for time shift from new DSP coefficients |
OPEN | DEV | 06/02/2022 11:15 a.m. | 06/02/2022 11:15 a.m. | hearty | 2 | 2 |
temp_online_remnev_20220601-085428 | 2490 | ✘ | Update DSP coefficients in ECL DQM to be consistent with ECL electronics. |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 8:54 a.m. | 06/01/2022 8:54 a.m. | remnev | 3 | 3 |
XTNew2 | 2489 | ✘ | ForTests |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 6:54 a.m. | 06/01/2022 6:54 a.m. | paololeo | 1 | 1 |
XTNew1 | 2488 | ✘ | ForTests |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 4:49 a.m. | 06/01/2022 4:49 a.m. | paololeo | 1 | 1 |
XTNew0 | 2487 | ✘ | ForTests |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 3:41 a.m. | 06/01/2022 3:41 a.m. | paololeo | 1 | 1 |
XTClassical2 | 2486 | ✘ | ForTests |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 1:56 a.m. | 06/01/2022 1:56 a.m. | paololeo | 1 | 1 |
XTClassical1 | 2485 | ✘ | ForTests |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 1:17 a.m. | 06/01/2022 1:17 a.m. | paololeo | 1 | 1 |
XTClassical0 | 2484 | ✘ | ForTests |
OPEN | DEV | 06/01/2022 12:25 a.m. | 06/01/2022 12:25 a.m. | paololeo | 1 | 1 |
beamEnergy_bucket27_prompt | 2483 | ✘ | Payloads with Ecms for bucket27, i.e energy scan data |
TESTING | DEV | 05/31/2022 11:56 a.m. | 05/31/2022 noon | zlebcr | 21 | 1 |
temp_main_staric_20220527-132742 | 2482 | ✘ | new payloads needed in Bunch finder (temporary optional in PR#1060) |
OPEN | DEV | 05/27/2022 1:28 p.m. | 05/27/2022 1:28 p.m. | staric | 2 | 2 |
data_reprocessing_proc13_snapshotAt20220526 | 2481 | ✘ | final GT for the data recalibration with rel-06-00 for the 13th major reprocessing. Started Jan 2022 |
TESTING | DEV | 05/26/2022 6:28 a.m. | 05/26/2022 8:54 a.m. | zani | 16515 | 258 |
temp_clone3_proc13_chunk1 | 2480 | ✘ | final GT for the data recalibration with rel-06-00 for the 13th major reprocessing. Started Jan 2022 |
OPEN | DEV | 05/25/2022 6:24 p.m. | 05/25/2022 6:25 p.m. | zani | 16515 | 258 |
temp_clone2_proc13_chunk1 | 2479 | ✘ | final GT for the data recalibration with rel-06-00 for the 13th major reprocessing. Started Jan 2022 |
OPEN | DEV | 05/25/2022 6:17 p.m. | 05/25/2022 6:19 p.m. | zani | 16515 | 258 |
temp_clone_proc13_chunk1 | 2478 | ✘ | final GT for the data recalibration with rel-06-00 for the 13th major reprocessing. Started Jan 2022 |
OPEN | DEV | 05/25/2022 5:58 p.m. | 05/25/2022 5:58 p.m. | zani | 16515 | 258 |
data_reprocessing_proc13_snapshotAt20220525 | 2477 | ✘ | final GT for the data recalibration with rel-06-00 for the 13th major reprocessing. Started Jan 2022 |
OPEN | DEV | 05/25/2022 4:31 p.m. | 05/25/2022 4:33 p.m. | zani | 16515 | 258 |
KLid_ECL_BDT_weight | 2476 | ✘ | Tag for the ECL-based KlongID BDTs |
TESTING | DEV | 05/25/2022 1:05 p.m. | 05/25/2022 1:06 p.m. | depietro | 1 | 1 |
cdc_proc13_exp14 | 2475 | ✘ | CDC proc13 chunk3 |
TESTING | DEV | 05/24/2022 5:14 p.m. | 05/24/2022 5:19 p.m. | dvthanh | 4 | 4 |
cdc_bucket33_badwires | 2474 | ✘ | preliminary bad wire list for bucket 33 |
OPEN | DEV | 05/24/2022 9:39 a.m. | 05/24/2022 9:39 a.m. | hsvidras | 6 | 1 |
jcerasol_test_fudge_factor_all0s | 2473 | ✘ | Test MC position fudge factor bis (all 0s) |
TESTING | DEV | 05/24/2022 9:19 a.m. | 05/24/2022 9:21 a.m. | jcerasol | 1 | 1 |
svd_MC_rel7 | 2472 | ✘ | New or changing SVD paylods MC with rel7 |
TESTING | DEV | 05/24/2022 8:43 a.m. | 06/21/2022 10:06 a.m. | gdujany | 3 | 3 |