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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v4 1746
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v4 wire difference between prompt and proc12, ladders zero, signs should be correct
TESTING DEV 06/04/2021 2:56 p.m. 06/04/2021 2:57 p.m. tadeas 2 2
alignment_misalignment_prompt_to_proc12stage1_v4_test1 1747
Corrections from prompt to stage1 in proc12 for part14 - a model of the prompt misalignment. v4 wire difference between prompt and proc12, ladders zero, signs should be correct. Added z-pos mislaignment for conical part
TESTING DEV 06/04/2021 9:47 p.m. 06/04/2021 9:47 p.m. tadeas 2 2
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thYZup 2300
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:07 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
alignment_misalignment_ZExpansion_50um 1749
Z-expansion in VXD by +50um
TESTING DEV 06/06/2021 11:45 a.m. 06/06/2021 11:47 a.m. tadeas 1 1
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20210607-112627 1750
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 06/07/2021 11:26 a.m. 06/07/2021 11:26 a.m. chunhua 1031 444
data_staging_alignment_prompt 518
Staging global tag for the alignment constants that have to be merged in data_reprocessing_prompt
TESTING DEV 02/12/2019 12:40 p.m. 07/12/2019 9:34 a.m. tamponi 5 5
top_staging_bucket16b_local 1751
Staging Gt for TOP local calibrations in bucket16b
TESTING DEV 06/08/2021 8:18 a.m. 06/08/2021 8:28 a.m. skohani 3 3
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thYZdn 2301
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thXYup 2302
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:08 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
mc14a_BeamSpotUnc_thXYdn 2303
Beam spot uncertainity systamatic shifts based on MC14a
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 7:09 p.m. 01/24/2022 7:09 p.m. zlebcr 1 1
alignment_cdcwirestest062019 753
CDC wire-by-wire alignment
TESTING DEV 10/23/2019 4:33 p.m. 10/23/2019 4:35 p.m. bilkat 1 1
flip_tracks_mvafilters_cut_0.01 2538
mva weight files related to the track flipping, 1st mva cut: 0.01, with bkg
TESTING DEV 06/20/2022 8:56 a.m. 06/20/2022 8:58 a.m. hanyubo 2 2
alignment_VXDCDCalignment_prompt_bucket33 2539
Prompt stage of bucket33 extended to infinity
TESTING DEV 06/21/2022 7:45 a.m. 06/21/2022 7:49 a.m. tadeas 6 6
ThomasTag 1546
Tag for testing
TESTING DEV 02/22/2021 4:15 p.m. 02/22/2021 8:56 p.m. tlueck 3 3
alignment_bucket34 2542
Alignment for bucket34
TESTING DEV 06/22/2022 3:34 p.m. 06/22/2022 3:37 p.m. tadeas 252 6
staging_master_jiqp2020_20220125-094704 2306
MC14a is simulated in the software release-05-02-00
TESTING DEV 01/25/2022 9:47 a.m. 01/25/2022 10:59 a.m. jiqp2020 1 1
GT used for testing the final merging of the Active payloads
TESTING DEV 06/11/2021 12:49 p.m. 06/14/2021 6:23 a.m. fpham 259 6
patch_main_release-07 2258
Patch globaltag necessary for working with main branch and the (future) release-07 with the existing globaltags
TESTING DEV 01/17/2022 4:25 p.m. 07/06/2022 1:17 p.m. depietro 20 19
mc_production_MC15rd_a_exp20_bucket26_STAGING 2283
Tag for run-dependent MC production
TESTING DEV 01/24/2022 9 a.m. 03/11/2022 10:20 a.m. basf2 93 30
staging_main_nkzwjp_20220126-065254 2309
Latest one.
TESTING DEV 01/26/2022 6:53 a.m. 01/26/2022 7:38 a.m. nkzwjp 137 6
patch_main_release-08_simulation 2975
Patch globaltag necessary for working with the main branch and the (future) release-08 with the existing globaltags for simulation
TESTING DEV 06/14/2023 9:58 p.m. 06/14/2023 9:59 p.m. ubuntu 1 1
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20210611-202803 1770
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 06/11/2021 8:28 p.m. 06/11/2021 8:29 p.m. chunhua 1035 444
AIRFLOW_B2DEV_prompt 1769
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
TESTING RELEASE 06/11/2021 3:17 p.m. 06/12/2021 11:19 a.m. tamponi 53379 313
upgrade_development_vtx_5layer_test 2614
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX - test
TESTING DEV 07/26/2022 12:04 p.m. 07/26/2022 12:18 p.m. pstavrou 20 11
light-2012-minos_b2bii_fei_retrain 3003
B2BII FEI retraining with new MC
TESTING DEV 07/08/2023 6:07 a.m. 07/08/2023 6:11 a.m. vsagar 110 110