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Comparison of Global Tags. Specify a pair of IDs or a pair of names.

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Global Tags

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Inserted Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
performance_mc14rd_bucket16 2323
performance and beam related payloads for bucket16
TESTING DEV 02/01/2022 9:41 a.m. 02/02/2022 8:16 a.m. merola 10 1
beam_bg_sim_fullVXD_snowmass_06mm_nlc_belle2-beast2_farbeamline 2326
Phase3 (full VXD) Belle II + Beast II within the IR+FarBeamline (|s|<29m). Geometry payloads for the beam-induced background simulation. It requires some modifications of the Belle II sub-system settings (study). For now, the Beast II system is not present in DB so its geometry is built from the XML file. Used for the Snowmass beta*y=0.6mm optics with a non-linear collimator (NLC).
TESTING DEV 02/04/2022 11:06 p.m. 02/04/2022 11:08 p.m. anatochi 20 20
beam_bg_sim_fullVXD_snowmass_03mm_belle2-beast2_farbeamline 2327
Phase3 (full VXD) Belle II + Beast II within the IR+FarBeamline (|s|<29m). Geometry payloads for the beam-induced background simulation. It requires some modifications of the Belle II sub-system settings (study). For now, the Beast II system is not present in DB so its geometry is built from the XML file. Used for the Snowmass beta*y=0.3mm optics.
TESTING DEV 02/05/2022 7:37 a.m. 02/05/2022 7:39 a.m. anatochi 20 20
alignment_s-proc2_resetWires 1965
CDCAlignment from data_reprocessing_prompt bucet24 with wire alignment reset to zeros - to be used as starting point for CDCAlignment for bucket25 in s-proc2
TESTING DEV 08/26/2021 12:56 p.m. 08/26/2021 12:59 p.m. tadeas 1 1
alignment_s-proc2_naf 1992
VXD+CDC alignment ala reprocessing derived for s-proc2 at NAF
TESTING DEV 09/12/2021 8:58 a.m. 09/12/2021 9:01 a.m. tadeas 80 2
test_gt_tracksf_v2 2343
Test GT for the track momentum scale factors for proc12 and buckets17to25
TESTING DEV 02/20/2022 9:38 a.m. 07/16/2022 11:34 a.m. nrad 12 2
data_reprocessing_proc12_chunk2_TEST_20210614_notToUse 1775
final merged and validated GT after proc12_chunk1 completion.To be used as baseline for proc12_chunk2 instance.
TESTING DEV 06/14/2021 8:57 a.m. 06/14/2021 2:19 p.m. zani 13947 254
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20210624-134344 1853
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 06/24/2021 1:43 p.m. 06/24/2021 1:44 p.m. chunhua 1040 444
AIRFLOW_final_staging_calibration_prompt_bucket16b 1783
Final merging staging GT for bucket16b calibrations
TESTING DEV 06/15/2021 8:06 a.m. 06/17/2021 8:05 a.m. fpham 1085 52
svd_test_HitTimeSelection_abs_tMax50_tDiff20 1880
test GT for svd hit time selection for release-06 for CoG3: |t|< 50 (current = 1), |t_U - t_V|< 20
TESTING DEV 06/29/2021 3:55 p.m. 06/29/2021 4:03 p.m. casarosa 1 1
pid_global_det_weights_release_6 2699
Weights (indiviudual & ablated) to quantify impact of each detector on the global PID (e/all, mu/all, pi/all, K/all, p/all, d/all). From particle gun samples - release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 5:30 a.m. 10/11/2022 5:44 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
svd_test_SVDCoGOnlyPosErrorScaleFactors 1910
GT to test new scf for MC, computed with new cl pos err formulas
TESTING DEV 07/15/2021 1:22 p.m. 07/15/2021 1:23 p.m. casarosa 1 1
val_CDCdEdx_bucket36 2630
validation GT for bucket36 (26/1410-1968) CDC dE/dx calibration
TESTING DEV 07/30/2022 11:40 a.m. 08/02/2022 1:39 a.m. jkumar 280 6
flavor_tagging_MC14_light_2110_woBDTLID 2331
global tag with flavor tagger weight files optimized for MC14 with light-2110
TESTING DEV 02/14/2022 4:47 a.m. 02/14/2022 6:09 a.m. yosato 15 15
pid_binary_det_weights_release_6 2700
Weights (indiviudual & ablated) to quantify impact of each detector on the binary PID (e/pi, mu/pi, pi/K, K/pi, p/pi, d/pi). From particle gun samples - release 6.
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 5:40 a.m. 10/11/2022 5:44 a.m. mmilesi 1 1
data_proc16_chunk1 3216
main GT for the reprocessing 16
TESTING DEV 02/26/2024 7:57 a.m. 04/11/2024 7:17 p.m. renu 5815 26
alignment_s-proc2_test3_stage2 1971
Bucket25 realigned for s-proc2 test -stage 2 with SVD ladders free
TESTING DEV 08/27/2021 4:07 p.m. 08/27/2021 4:14 p.m. bilkat 198 6
AIRFLOW_data_staging_calibration_sproc4 2793
Staging tag for data calibrations in sproc4.
TESTING DEV 12/07/2022 11:05 a.m. 03/16/2023 3 p.m. ddossett 3047 62
graFEI_mixed_LCAMassProb_v1 2940
Model and config file for graFEI trained on mixed MC15 (optimized tight cuts and new priors) with 50% background events, LCA + mass + 0.1*Prob loss function v1.
TESTING DEV 04/27/2023 4:21 p.m. 04/27/2023 4:24 p.m. jcerasol 2 2
leptonid_Moriond2022_Official_rel5_v2 2345
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections, based on the full 190 /fb Moriond 2022 DS - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95, likelihood LID only) and uniform efficiency working points (60,70,80,90, 95%, both likelihood and BDT LID).
TESTING DEV 02/24/2022 12:51 a.m. 02/24/2022 12:54 a.m. mmilesi 130 130
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20191207-080929 821
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 12/07/2019 8:09 a.m. 12/07/2019 8:10 a.m. chunhua 776 401
leptonid_EPS2021_Official_rel5_v3 1950
Lepton ID Data/MC corrections - fixed threshold working points (>0.5, 0.9, 0.95), likelihood LID only. Fixes some issues w/ combination when a bin has syst unc = 0, and adds the distance syst for kspipi_VS_taupair combination that was unintentionally left out.
TESTING DEV 08/10/2021 4:57 a.m. 08/10/2021 4:58 a.m. mmilesi 30 30
pretracking_sproc2_calibration 2034
Contains the pre-tracking payloads from sproc2
TESTING DEV 09/30/2021 8:01 a.m. 09/30/2021 8:15 a.m. fpham 742 31
user_dvthanh_sigmaFF_trial_1.0 3236
Fudge factor 1.0 for trial
TESTING DEV 03/16/2024 10:23 a.m. 03/16/2024 10:24 a.m. dvthanh 1 1
temp_main_zlebcr_20221011-155242 2701
New payload required by BII-8489
TESTING DEV 10/11/2022 3:53 p.m. 10/11/2022 4:07 p.m. zlebcr 1 1