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GlobalTag: 3414 items found         Click on items for more details

Name ID Default? Description Status Type Modified Mod. by Total Payloads Distinct Payloads
alignment_misalignment-like-data_v2 1213
Similar to alignment_misalignment-like-data_v1, but VXD sensors moved to constraints' reference system and extracted to get global misalignment of half-shells
TESTING DEV 07/08/2020 8:30 p.m. tadeas 2 2
prerel5_rundep_mc_test2 1212
Test GT to make prerelease-05 work for run-dep MC -- includes updated ECL timing payloads
TESTING DEV 07/08/2020 7:51 p.m. jbennett 91 29
upgrade_2020-07-08_vtx_5layer_discs 1211
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX with discs
TESTING DEV 07/08/2020 3:30 p.m. benni 9 5
alignment_misalignment-like-data_v1 1210
Realistic data-like misalignment for VXD and CDC - derived from data alignment payloads in 2019 (CDC wire-z positions reset) - is missing global z.shift of VXD
TESTING DEV 07/07/2020 9:05 p.m. bilkat 2 2
upgrade_2020-07-07_VTX-CMOS-testbeam-2020-03-12 1209
Development GT for VTX CMOS testbeam with TJ Monopix 1 in March 2020
TESTING DEV 07/07/2020 8:19 a.m. benni 5 4
upgrade_2020-07-07_vtx_5layer_discs 1208
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX with discs
TESTING DEV 07/07/2020 8:11 a.m. benni 8 5
upgrade_2020-07-07_vtx_5layer 1207
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 07/07/2020 8:11 a.m. benni 11 5
upgrade_2020-07-07_vtx_7layer 1206
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 7 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 07/07/2020 8:10 a.m. benni 13 5
cdc_bucket14_local_v1 1205
cdc local constants for bucket14
VALIDATED DEV 07/07/2020 12:31 a.m. uchida 1 1
bucket14_local_top_ss 1204
Staging tag for the TOP local calibrations to be used in the prompt calibration
OPEN DEV 07/04/2020 4:57 p.m. tamponi 54 1
AIRFLOW_online_snapshot_20200703-101447 1203
This is the official GT operating online
TESTING DEV 07/03/2020 10:15 a.m. chunhua 872 416
data_reprocessing_prompt_clone_before_fixTRG_bucket13 1202
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 07/03/2020 7:38 a.m. tamponi 0 0
1201_COPY-OF_data_reprocessing_prompt 1201
running GT for the first (prompt) reprocessing
OPEN RELEASE 07/03/2020 7:36 a.m. tamponi 39340 301
upgrade_2020-07-02_vtx_5layer_discs 1200
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX with discs
TESTING DEV 07/02/2020 5:49 p.m. benni 7 5
upgrade_2020-07-02_vtx_5layer 1199
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 07/02/2020 5:48 p.m. benni 10 5
upgrade_2020-07-02_vtx_7layer 1198
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 7 layer VTX
TESTING DEV 07/02/2020 5:46 p.m. benni 12 5
upgrade_development_VTX-CMOS-testbeam-magnetOFF-2020-03-12 1197
Development GT for VTX CMOS testbeam with TJ Monopix 1 in March 2020. MagnetOFF
OPEN DEV 07/02/2020 6:59 a.m. benni 3 2
DESY_Pi0_Veto_MVA 1196
Classifier for Xs gamma pi0 rejection
OPEN DEV 07/02/2020 8:05 a.m. swehle 16 8
upgrade_2020-06-01_VTX-CMOS-testbeam-2020-03-12 1195
Development GT for VTX CMOS testbeam with TJ Monopix 1 in March 2020
TESTING DEV 07/01/2020 10:01 a.m. benni 4 4
upgrade_development_VTX-CMOS-testbeam-2020-03-12 1194
Development GT for VTX CMOS testbeam with TJ Monopix 1 in March 2020
OPEN DEV 07/01/2020 9:52 a.m. benni 5 4
mc_production_MC13b_proc11_misaligned 1193
Copy of mc_production_MC13b_proc11, but with simulated misalignment
OPEN RELEASE 06/29/2020 9:32 p.m. jbennett 86 25
mc_production_MC13b_proc11SVD 1192
Dedicated GT for run-dependent MC samples corresponding to proc11, plus the SVD dE/dx payloads
TESTING RELEASE 06/29/2020 8:43 p.m. jbennett 87 26
staging_master_gdujany_20200629-075847 1191
More realistic payload than the one currently in master. Wish to be the default in release-05
TESTING DEV 07/31/2020 2:54 p.m. gdujany 2 2
val_CDCdEdx_bucket13 1190
validating airflow bucket 13 for CDC dEdx
PUBLISHED DEV 04/11/2021 12:50 a.m. jikumar 125 3
upgrade_2020-06-24_vtx_5layer_discs 1189
Development GT for Belle II w/o PXD+SVD and w/ 5 layer VTX with discs
TESTING DEV 06/24/2020 3:03 p.m. benni 4 3